Nesthub Release Notes

Check out the lastest updates pushed by our software dev team.

July 2024

Released: 2024-07-23

Ability to filter based on columns > Sites > Filter: Is Active > Search

Archive old forms > Forms > Filter: Is Active

Blog Tags

Bug fix to handle blog tagging

Add user names and emails to site export report > Sites > Actions > Export With Users (filter: site status)

Rental analysis report trigger

Requested by Brittany and Chadd, to trigger an alert when more than 40 report requests/month exceeded

Apparently Chadd's inbox is getting flooded with these, so much so that he wants me to turn it off (for now)

WIll be turned off on 2024-07-24

Released: 2024-07-16

Revenue by account report export > Reports > Revenue By Account > Actions > Export (filter: month/year May 2023)

Income by type report export > Reports > Income By Type > Actions > Export (filter: year 2024)

Order report export > Reports > Orders > Actions > Export (filter: user)

Site Subscription report export > Sites > Actions > Export Subscriptions (filter: site status)

Update listings and view templates for multi-unit number of beds logic (Mitch)

PMI additional feed fields

PMI wanted to add additional fields they get with their plugin feed from us

New configuration setting for their Zapier Webhook > Plugins > PMI Corporate > Settings

Field data structure is shown in Monday ticket

Aptly Feed

Adds ability to ingest Aptly rental listing feeds from various sources from Aptly

Has been tested on 10 different feeds with varying data structures, with no errors

Released: 2024-07-10

Ability to duplicate forms easily

Instead of having to Export & then import to make a copy, have a button to "Duplicate Form" > Forms > Click a form link > Actions > Duplicate

Released: 2024-07-01

Configurable button text

To change a button's default text in a template

{% form name="contact" button-text="Get Started" %}


To turn on placeholders in templates

{% form name='contact' placeholders='true' %}

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