NestHub Forms to Zapier

Please Note: Clients are required to have a Zapier Pro account in order to use Webhooks by Zapier.

  1. Create a new zap or open the zap you want to integrate in Zapier

    Please make sure the client has a Zapier Pro account before proceeding.

  2. Add Zapier Trigger: Webhooks by Zapier (Raw Data)

    Zapier Webhooks
    Zapier Webhooks
    Zapier Webhooks url
  3. Add Nesthub Form Action: Web Request (API)

    In Nesthub, go to the client's form. Scroll down to Form Actions and add Web Request (API)

    Nesthub Web Request

    Name: Send Data to Zapier

    Request Type: Post

    Endpoint: Paste Webhook URL provided by Zapier's Webhooks function

    Content Type: JSON


                    "formName": "Management Services",
                    "formData": {{ data | json }}

    **You may add additional static data here if needed similar to formName

    Nesthub Web Request
  4. Test Zapier's Webhooks function

    1. Send a test form submission in Nesthub

    2. Return to Zapier, click: Test Trigger.

    Zapier test trigger

    3. Select: request A

    Zapier test trigger

    4. Click: Continue with Selected Record

    Zapier test trigger
  5. Add Zapier Step: Code by Zapier (set to Javascript) to parse the data

    1. Select Trigger: Code by Zapier

    Add Zap Code

    2. Select Action Event: Run Javascript

    Add Zap Code JS

    3. Configure Javascript

    Input Data: formData

    Select the data source: 1. Raw Body

    Paste the following Javascript into the "code" box:

                      const formDataJson = inputData.formData || '{}';
                      const parsedData = JSON.parse(formDataJson);
                      output = parsedData;
    Config Zap Code JS

    4. Click Continue, then: Test Step

    Add Zap Code

    5. Verify data, click: Publish

    Add Zap Code JS
  6. Now you may add another Zapier Action and use the form data in other integrations!