Information For Building A Site

Site Build Checklist


  • Create account (if needed)
  • Create Site
  • Create Blog and Authors
  • Import Blog Posts
  • Set Up Listings
  • Add user to NestHub account to post blogs & view forms post launch
  • Add temp URL to Monday


  • Replicate or Create New Forms, if needed
  • Set Correct Temp Success URL for services form: /success
  • Set correct email address for forms
  • Test forms
  • Delete any unused forms


  • Check to ensure the content worksheet is locked so the client can no longer make updates until review
  • Add logo -- optimize and resize no wider than 350px
  • Make sure to set "full" template as the default by right clicking and choosing "Make Default"
  • Add Favicon -- both favicon.png and favicon.ico
  • Update ALL Snippets
  • Update robots.txt file
    • Include the full URL with https and www in the domain to the sitemap line
  • Update file names with market-1 (market-property-management & market-homes-for-rent)
  • Go through page by page for content
  • Delete any pages that aren't being used
  • Add colors to match brand
  • Add images if they gave any
  • If doing a Smartsite, update home banner image
    • Optimize and resize to 2000px for desktops & create a small one for mobile
  • Add social-sharing.jpg image & check open graph is working
    • Optimize and resize to be 1200px x 628px
  • Make sure logo is repsonsive for screen sizes and scroll (affix header)
  • Check site on mobile device(s)
  • Add advanced features, if needed
  • If we have access to their domain, please check to make sure the DNS records are able to be seen in the account, otherwise we need client to provide access or provide a copy of the records
  • Once complete add site to Pastel for Review and add to Build Review in Monday
    • If anything is missing due to client content make notes in Pastel & Monday
  • If we are migrating the site, please copy over all tracking information from the old site to the new site.


  • Check/add template animations
  • Run CSS through Auto Prefixer for better compatibility


  • Use chrome extension to check if any links are broken ( this again will only check if a link goes nowhere on the site.
  • Make sure tenant/owner/app logins work and go to the correct login pages
  • Check Waze for ADA compliance
  • Make sure site looks good on Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Edge
  • Check responsiveness for mobile and tablets
  • Redirects
    • If the original source url ends in / when you upload drop that as our system automatically drops it so the redirect actually doesnt work. If you leave the ending / in there, please setup a second one without it. Screamimg frog will pull the list of urls with the ending / so its a manual update on each row or doing double the redirects.
  • Delete unused forms
  • Make /index the start page, if not already
  • Make sure you are testing open graph on blogs & properties to make sure they are populating the correct image & open graph

NESTHUB PROPERTY SETUP (different if they have Rentvine)

Add a Page

  • Go to: Listings —> Pages —> Add Page
  • Title Tag:
    • Atlanta Homes for Rent, Houses for Rent in Atlanta, GA, Atlanta, Georgia Rental Homes.
  • Meta Tag:
    • Find Atlanta, GA homes for rent with our borderless search. Search by any criteria!

PMI Add Page

Add a Feed

  • Go to: Listing —> Feeds —> Add Feed
  • Feed name:
    • Propertyware, Tenant Turner, Buildium, Showmojo
      • If Propertyware:
        • Username: WID
        • Password: SID
        • Account Name: Grab from Portal URL: (ex: pmigreaterphiladelphia_pminc_template)
        PMI Propertyware Feed
      • If Tenant Turner:
        • Put the tenant turner customerID ( = 2178) in the the necessary fields
        PMI Tenant Turner Feed
      • If Buildium:
        • Put the Buildium customerID (if url:, customerID = floridarentalandleasingpmgn) in the the necessary fields
      • If Showmojo:
        • Get XML link and use the series of letters and numbers at the end of the URL to plug into Nesthub for Username, Password, & Account Name. (example of URL:
          • Reach out to Ask for the Trulia XML Feed Data
        • Since ShowMojo doesn’t provide the application URL, we either can set a generic application URL (doesn't work if using Appfolio because they don't have a generic app URL) in the properties template or add it manually to each listing in Nesthub
        • **Note: You can use the link provided in their iframe, which will be the same as their Trulia XML feed, but without Showmojo generating the XML feed link, it will not work and will not pull in any properties.
  • To Run the Feed go to Listings —> Click the Feed Name —> Actions —> Run Feed
  • Go to Settings —> View Template —> Rentals —> Save Changes

Launching Site Checklist

  • Make sure all landing pages are added
  • Make sure all advanced features are added - send out email in regards to Advanced Features, this is not automated yet
  • Make sure open graph is added
  • Add redirects
  • Add main contact as a user to Nesthub
  • Make sure to add the username/email & password to Monday for client's Nesthub access
  • Check to make sure domain is properly set in Monday for when auto email gets sent out -- No / at the end of the domain, otherwise the link getting sent out to the client to log into their backend will be wrong.
  • Get domain logins, or delegate access if you do not have it already
  • Collect DNS records
  • Change Nameservers
  • Create SSL
  • Send Almost ready email with information, if they have advanced features please add the advanced feature info on this email.
  • Once SSL is applied move site to billing
  • Change ownership in Pastel to the support team
  • If you are changing url on launch, make a note for Reporting to add a Search Console property for both domains, old & new
  • If you are migrating a site, please make sure that old pages are either updated to the proper template, or make sure that you delete them and redirect them accordingly
  • If it was a pleasant experience with the client, upload their contact info into to trigger drip campaigns for PMW reviews


Glossary of Terms

  • Nameserver: A nameserver is a server on the Internet that answers DNS queries. A nameserver may be authoritative (providing answers) or recursive (asked questions on behalf of a third-party). A domain may be delegated to authoritative DNS servers that are subordinates to that domain. Nesthub nameservers are the following
  • Canonical Name (CNAME): A resource record in the DNS that specifies a domain name is an alias for another domain name and not for an IP address. For instance, [ CNAME dog.]. It allows the running of multiple services (i.e. web server and FTP server) on different ports but sharing the same IP address.
  • A Record: A resource record in the DNS that specifies a domain name is an alias for an IP address.
  • MX Record (Mail Exchange): Resource record(s) used to connect the domain to a specific email provider (Google, Outlook, Godaddy, etc.)
  • TXT Record: The DNS ‘text’ (TXT) record lets a domain administrator enter text into the Domain Name System (DNS). The TXT record was originally intended as a place for human-readable notes. However, now it is also possible to put some machine-readable data into TXT records. One domain can have many TXT records. Common types of TXT records are as follows:
    • SPF records: SPF TXT records list all the servers that are authorized to send email messages from a domain.
    • DKIM records: DKIM works by digitally signing each email using a public-private key pair. This helps verify that the email is actually from the domain it claims to be from. The public key is hosted in a TXT record associated with the domain. (Learn more about public key encryption.)
    • DMARC records: A DMARC TXT record references the domain's SPF and DKIM policies. It should be stored under the title with '' replaced with the actual domain name. The 'value' of the record is the domain's DMARC policy (a guide to creating one can be found here).
  • Hostname: Also known as the subdomain of the DNS record. Example www. is used as a host record on most websites.

If a new client DNS records should be provided by their old provider, if email is set up after the site is launched the client will need to provide all the DNS records (MX, CNAME, and TXT/SPF) from their email provider.

Example of Records

Please note these are examples and they should not be used directly on the site, but used as a guide

Google Apps for Business

MX Records

Name/Host/Alias Time to Live (TTL*) Record Type Priority Value/Answer/Destination
Blank or @ 3600 MX 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Blank or @ 3600 MX 5 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Blank or @ 3600 MX 5 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Blank or @ 3600 MX 10 ALT3.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM
Blank or @ 3600 MX 10 ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM

TXT/SPF Record

Name/Host/Alias Time to Live (TTL*) Record Type Priority Value/Answer/Destination
Blank or @ 3600 TXT 0 v=spf1 ~all

Common CNAME Records

Name/Host/Alias Time to Live (TTL*) Record Type Priority Value/Answer/Destination
calendar 3600 CNAME 0
drive 3600 CNAME 0
mail 3600 CNAME 0

Microsoft Outlook/GoDaddy Email

MX Records

Name/Host/Alias Time to Live (TTL*) Record Type Priority Value/Answer/Destination
Blank or @ 3600 MX 0

TXT Records

Name/Host/Alias Time to Live (TTL*) Record Type Priority Value/Answer/Destination
Blank or @ 3600 TXT 0 MS=ms######## (unique ID from the admin center)
Blank or @ 3600 TXT 0 v=spf1 -all

SRV Records

Some hosting providers impose restrictions on field values within SRV records. Here are some common workarounds for these restrictions.


If your hosting provider doesn't allow setting this field to @, leave it blank. Use this approach only when your hosting provider has separate fields for the Service and Protocol values. Otherwise, see the Service and Protocol notes below.

Service and Protocol

If your hosting provider doesn't provide these fields for SRV records, you must specify the Service and Protocol values in the record's Name field. (Note: Depending on your hosting provider, the Name field might be called something else, like: HostHostname, or Subdomain.) To add these values, you create a single string, separating the values with a dot.

Example: _sip._tls

Priority, Weight, and Port

If your hosting provider doesn't provide these fields for SRV records, you must specify them in the record's Target field. (Note: Depending on your hosting provider, the Target field might be called something else, like: ContentIP Address, or Target Host.)

To add these values, create a single string, separating the values with spaces and sometimes ending with a dot (check with your provider if you are unsure). The values must be included in this order: Priority, Weight, Port, Target.

  • Example: 100 1 443


Launching a site on a subdomain that has a domain that IS hosted with us:

Launching a site on a subdomain that has a domain that ISN'T hosted with us: