PMI Support

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General Website Layout / Common Do’s and Don’ts


Update the logo updates require corporate approval to ensure the spacing and the font in the logo is consistent. 

Updates to the main navigation bar requires corporate approval. This includes updates to the wording of the links and the location of links in the main bar and the dropdown menus (one exception to this is “Pricing”. This usually located in the Residential secondary dropdown, but this can be moved towards the bottom of the Services dropdown. 

Customer Login button should include Owner and Resident login if they have the Residential Pillar and Homeowner and Board Member login if they have the Association Pillar. Both login can be there if they have both pillars. A third button can be added to that button list, just be sure to update the CSS for spacing and mobile responsiveness. (Example:

Home Page Main Banner 

Main Banner image can be updated to a different photo. We recommend having them search for a Big Stock photo via the PMW Stock Images page: If they provide their own image(s), please ask if either they have permission to use the image(s) or if they own those image(s). We just want to avoid any potential copyright / legal issues. 

For the H1 tag, we try to stress the importance of having the main market set a city rather than a county / area simply due to users tend to search for Property Management Services or for Property Management Rentals by city rather than by county / area. While we can’t fully prevent the franchisees from making this change, if they area persistent on making this change, we just need them to acknowledge that they understand the potential negative SEO consequences that could occur. Here’s an example email you can use: 

In PMW’s experience over the past 10+ years, we’re learned that users search for Property Management Services or for Property Management Rentals by city rather than by county. So having a primary city to target is important to aid in driving traffic from search engines to the website that can potentially turn into leads. While there are a few ways to do this, having certain items on the site (such as H1 tags, title tags and meta descriptions) match keyword searches (such as [city] Property Management or [city] Homes for Rent) helps search engines learn what the site is about and how is it relevant to searches conducted by users. 

Since we’ve learned that users search by city rather than by county, sites that have a county in the H1 tags, title tags, an meta descriptions tend to preform worse due to a lack of traffic due to a low amount of search volume. Lower search volume means less traffic to the website and less ways to generate leads. 

To learn on how to change the primary market on a website, click here. (Link Coming Soon)

The secondary banner “Serving [city] and surrounding communities” can be edited if they wanted to change the city or add a few cities / locations to this header. They can also mention the county that they service in this heading as well.

For the CTAs, most sites will have 4, but we’re allow to reduce to 3 if necessary. The franchisees can’t change the wording or icons in these CTAs, but the can customize the order of them and which links are in each CTA (no more than 5 links per CTA). 


Here are the list of guarantees the PMI franchisees can have: 

  • 21-DAY
  • PET

Franchisees can update the number and dollar amounts in the guarantees, but they are not allowed to change any of the wording inside the guarantees without corporate approval. The icon associated with each guarantee cannot be changed. 

For the 21-Day guarantee, they can update this to 30-Day if they wish


Any changes to the forms on the websites requires corporate approval. Corporate tends not to allow very changes to any of the forms, so it’s unlikely they will approve of any changes, but please send the request to corporate anyway. 

3rd Party Logos

For any affiliate / award logos, they can be placed in the footer of the website via the “Affil” snippet in Atom. If the Franchise is looking to add the logo in a different location, then the location of the logo requires corporate approval before proceeding. 

For 3rd party vendor logo, these are not allowed anywhere on the website. Additionally, any vendor pages or vendor advertisement is not allowed.

Services Pages

Franchisees are allowed to make edits to the wording, but the layout must remain the same. The only wording that cannot be update without corporate approval are the guarantees (if applicable). For the Discover / Investing section, they are welcome to edit that information. Franchisees can also update the images, but under the same conditions as the home page banner photo. And none of the forms can be updated without corporate approval. 

Calculators can be added and removed from the website without corporate approval. 

Pricing Page

Franchisees can change the dollar amounts, offerings, and services they offer, but they can't make any significant design changes or use different colors outside of the brand approved colors. They can a maximum of 4 pricing plans (5 Columns total). We’re unable to add any more as we start to run into mobile responsiveness issues. They can have less pricing plans if they desire. 

Owner / Tenant Resources Pages

Franchisees can update / add any wording to these pages. They can add Resource and Form that pertain to owners / tenants to this page. They are allowed to add documents about 3rd party vendors (Such as Second Nature, Pest Share, etc), but only documents: No text, images, or logos of 3rd party vendors can be added to these pages. They are welcome to update the FAQ section of the page with whatever information they have. 

Call Tracking Number

The Call Tracking number is located on the services page and can only be removed via corporate approval. Here’s a common response to when Franchisees ask why there’s a different number on the services pages: 

That phone number is the call tracking phone number, which is part of the Advanced Marking Platform. Learn More Here:

The phone number is different as that number is used to track prospective owner clients choosing to call, rather than fill out a form. It also helps us separate and track those leads versus having to sort thought all of phone calls that come in to the main phone number.

About Us Page

Franchisees are allowed to make any content updates and any any empolyees they'd like to add to the "Our Team" section. If they'd like to use a grid format, then we can copy the grid format found on PMI Corporate's website:

Updating Contact Infromation / Adding Cities to Website

For any change requests listed below, the Franchisee must complete the form here as they must be sent to PMI Compliance. Once approved, PMW will get notification to make the update - some requests, however, do not need approval and those are noted below.

  • Address changes - needs approval from the compliance team and must be submitted through the form. This form will send an email with everyone in copy. Make this update in the following places:
    • Atom
    • Rental Analysis Profile
    • Grade.Us
    • Yext
    • Locator Tool
    • Monday
  • Phone changes - does not need approval, but need to be submitted through the form (can make the update immediately). Make this update in the following places:
    • Atom
    • Yext
    • CallRail
    • Monday
  • Email changes - does not need approval, but need to be submitted through the form (can make the update immediately). Make this update in the following places:
    • Atom
    • Yext
    • Locator Tool
    • Monday
  • Changing or adding cities and counties
    • Adding cities needs approval from the compliance team and must be submitted through the form. This form will send an email with everyone in copy. The support team needs to wait for compliance to reply to that email approving it in order to proceed with the change on the website.
    • City removal does not need to be handled by this form and can be handled by support directly.

Office Hours: Updating office hours doesn't require the form above to be filled out and the franchise can decide what they want their office hours to be. Make this update in the following places:

  • Atom
  • Yext
  • Locator Tool
  • Monday