PMI Plugins and Feeds

Booking Automation

On the account management (account list) page, at the very bottom, there’s a green button to Export API Keys. Download that file and open the spreadsheet. The API key slot we use is apiKey4. Do a search and look for the API key in that column that belongs to the franchise. It should be formated as the following: "PMW-PMI-FRANCHISE-NAME-2023”, but it might look different. It’s ok if it looks different, it still should work. 

On the nest hub feeds page (, select Add Feed. Select “Booking Automation” as the feed type. Feed name should be “Booking Automation - “ then add the franchise name. The username is the API Key found in the apiKey4 column in that spreadsheet. Then click Save Changes. 

In the Nesthub admin section, go to Plugin and Add Plugin. Select “Nesthub Vacation Listings” for plugin type. End in the corresponding URL, template should be “rentals-vacation”, and add the Title Tag and Meta Description. The “Feed” field is pulled from the last number in the URL of the Booking Automation field set up previously. For Example: for PMI Wilmington, the URL is, the Feed number is 23. Click save. 

Back on the feed page, at the top under “Actions”, select run feed. It usually takes 10 - 20 minutes or longer for the feed to run. Once the feed is done, check the vacation rentals page on the site and the listing should appear. It can take a few hours for the feed to process any new images coming in.