Lead Simple Plugin

Add Lead Simple Plugin to Franchisee Account

** be sure to assign yourself to the column in the spreadsheet below (initials are fine - col AC)

  1. URL → ls
  2. Template → full
  3. API Key → pull from Col Z (View Google Sheet)
  4. Default Pipeline → blank
  5. Rental Analysis → Residential Leads
  6. JSON → blank
Leadsimple Plugin

Lead Forms

  1. Open Lead Form FOR ALL PILLARS
  2. Replace current AC JSON Attribute with New LS Attribute ** SEE BELOW - THESE ARE PILLAR SPECIFIC **
  3. *** IMPORTANT *** Some older Franchisees may have additional lead forms outside of what is in the template listed below…
    1. Residential
      • Residential Management Services → Residential Leads
      • Direct Mail → Residential Leads
      • Home Watch → Residential Leads
      • Investment Services → Residential Leads
      • Owner Contact → Residential Leads
      • Project Management → Residential Leads
    2. Commercial
      • Commercial Management Services → Commercial
    3. Real Estate
      • Real Estate Services → Realty Leads
      • Sales CMA → Realty Leads
      • Mortgage Calculator → Realty Leads
    4. STR
      • Short Term Management Services → STR Leads
      • Vintory Calculator → STR Leads
      • Vintory Contact → STR Leads
    5. HOA
      • Association Management Services → HOA Leads
    1. if they have the Residential Pillar, assign them to → Residential Leads
    2. If they do not have Residential Pillar, assign them to primary Pillar pipeline below
  4. REMOVE {"ac-tag":"Residential New Owner Lead"} from Rental Analysis Form (will be handled in plugin)
  5. REMOVE { "ac-tag": "New General Inquiry" } from Vendor Form (do not want this tracked)

New JSON Attributes by Pillar

PMI Lead Simple IDs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TOTTrvkSpMzcoBx0CX8AXFUzypdA2RjFCZeQ06JaZkw/edit#gid=0


ls-pipeline: Residential Leads

ls-pipeline-id: LS ID HERE

Residential Management Services
Direct Mail
Home Watch
Investment Services
Owner Contact
Project Management
Rent Sell Calculator *
ROI Calculator *
Vacancy Loss Calculator *
		            { "ls-pipeline" : "Residential Leads" }
		            { "ls-pipeline-id" : "" }

* If they do not have Residential Pillar, assign calculators to their primary Pillar pipeline below:


ls-pipeline: Commercial

ls-pipeline-id: LS ID HERE

Commercial Management Services
								{ "ls-pipeline" : "Commercial" }
								{ "ls-pipeline-id" : "" }


ls-pipeline: HOA Leads

ls-pipeline-id: LS ID HERE

Association Management Services
								{ "ls-pipeline" : "HOA Leads" }
								{ "ls-pipeline-id" : "" }


ls-pipeline: STR Leads

ls-pipeline-id: LS ID HERE

Short Term Management Services
Vintory Calculator
Vintory Contact
								{ "ls-pipeline" : "STR Leads" }
								{ "ls-pipeline-id" : "" }


ls-pipeline: Realty Leads

ls-pipeline-id: LS ID HERE

Real Estate Services
Sales CMA
Mortgage Calculator
								{ "ls-pipeline" : "Realty Leads" }
								{ "ls-pipeline-id" : "" }
lead simple attributes