PMI DBA Name Change

DBA refers to the name of a PMI Franchisee. PMI Corporate usually sends in this request.

Updating the Short Domain

All PMI Franchisees have both a long and short domain. The long domain is usually in the following format: "". This domain does not need to be updated for this request. The short domain usually is in the following format: "". We will be updating this for the DBA name change.

Log into GoDaddy using the PMI Support google login. Head over to the delegate access and access the account as "Juan Oliveira". Go into the Domain Manager and search for the new short domain using the short domain format.

Select the short domain and copy and past the DNS record into the notes section of the account section for that franchise in Nesthub. Do this before switching over the nameservers. (This way we don't lose the DNS records when the nameservers get updated). Update the namenservers to the following:


Give Godaddy a few minutes to make this update. Afterward, head over to the DNS section of the Nesthub admin section and add the domain. Don't add "www" to the domain, just use the "" format for the domain. Once added, request an SSL certificate. Make sure one line is "" and the second line includes "www": "". This request will ususal take several hours to deploy.

After creating the SSL certificate, add the appropriate DNS records to the short domain.

Updating the Logo on the Website

PMI Corporate will need to provide a new logo. They usually will send over two version of the logo: one with white text and with black text. The white logo will be used on the website and the black logo will be used in a few other places (such as the locator tool). Update the file names to the following: 

  • The white logo should be updated to “PMI-Franchise”
  • The dark logo should be update to “PMI-Franchise-color"

Open the logos in photoshop and ensure that the logos have a transparent background. Then match the width and height dimensions of the new logos with the old logos. Once the logos have been resized, convert the file type to PNG. Then upload them to the following site in atom: “PMI Resources”. Add the logos in the logos subfolder under the images folder. 

Update the company name snippet to the new DBA name. After this, the new logo should appear on the website.

If the text on the logo seems too small on the website after uploading, you’re welcome to update the dimensions to what you think looks best.

Lastly, check for responsivness of the logo on desktop and mobile.

Updating the DBA Name on the Website