Booking Automation Support

Checking for a propKey

In order for a listing to appear on the website, a PropKey must be associated with the listing. No proKey = No Listing. Here’s how to check if a listing has a Propkey:

{ "authentication": { "apiKey": "PMW-PMI-FRANCHISE-2023" }}

(Switch out the username above)

I recommend using the following site to format the JSON to make it more legible:

How to access account in Booking Automation

(If you don’t have the login information, please reach out to Matt or Nick for the password)

Once logging in, it will usually take you to the last page that was visited by whoever was using the account. To access the account management page in order to access the other franchisee accounts, click on the person icon in the upper right corner and select “Account Management” 

Account Management

Once on the “Account List” page, type in in the name of the franchise in the search bar under “Sub Accounts” and click on the “Log into Account” on the far right of the page (you may have to horizontally scroll on smaller screen sizes).

Sub Accounts

Listing Information 

To access an individual listing in Booking Automation, navigate to the menu of the left side of the screen. (This usually is automatic visible when accessing the account, but if not, there should be a small gold gear icon of the left side of the screen. Click that to expand the menu.) Under Settings, go to Properties > Rooms and the following page should appear: 

Listings and Rooms

Find the desired listing by accessing the dropdown menu. Since the name of the listing the franchise puts in BA may not line up with the name of the listing on the website, you may need to check the feed log to march the “Property ID” with the “propID”. 

Feed Log

Once you find the listing you’re looking for, click on the “Edit” icon. You should be taken to the “Setup” page of the listing. We pull all of information for the listings from the room level. If the Franchise is making edit to the listing in another location in BA, the listing on the website won’t receive those updates. 

The main title / headline of the listing is update under the “Display Name” field. The name of the listing in BA doesn’t have to match the Display Name field. If the franchise needs to update the name of the listing on the website, this field needs to be updated. 

For the number of people allowed to say at a vacation rental, the website lists this as “Sleeps”. The field in BA where we pull this number is from the “Maximum Guests” dropdown. 

Headline and Sleeps

For the number of bedrooms and bathrooms displayed on a listing, these can be found under the “Features” section. The two buttons where they can update that information are the “Edit Bedrooms” and “Edit Bathrooms”.

Listing Features

For bathrooms, we’re unable to display half bathrooms. Even if they edit the bathroom field to display “Half-Bathroom”, the “Number of Bathroom” fields only displays whole numbers and this field is were we pull the number of bathrooms.

Edit Bathrooms

For Bedrooms, we only pull the “Bedroom” and “Bedroom Ensuite” fields. The other bedroom options (“Living and Sleeping Area” and “Other Sleeping Area” are not counted as Bedrooms. This is because often times, those two options involve a sleeper couch / futon in a living room and can’t really be counted as its own bedroom. A bedroom is consider its own separate, independent room. In this example, this listing has two bedrooms listed. However, since one of the bedrooms is listed as a “Living and Sleeping Area”, it’s not counted as a bedroom and thus the listing only displays one bedroom.

Edit Bedrooms

This is because of the logic Booking Automation has set with their bedrooms. In order for a bedroom or bathroom to be counted, it has to include either “BATHROOM” or “BEDROOM”, followed by a space, then any additional text can following. In this example, the line that is counted as a bedroom is “BEDROOM BED_QUEEN”, but the one bedroom that isn’t being counted is “BEDROOM_LIVING_SLEEPING_COMBO BED_QUEEN”. Since there is an underscore after “BEDROOM”, it won’t count as a bedroom on the listing page.

Logic Field