Nesthub Widget Styles

SEO Property Widget (Customers Paying for SPP) Last Updated 5/22/2024

View Example


Remove any .container or .container-fluid from the Rentals Template. Older sites may need root variables to be set for colors and header-height.

Files to add to Rentals Template

              <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
              <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
              <script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
              <script src=""></script>
              <script src=""></script>
              <script src=""></script>
              <script src=""></script>

              <!-- make sure to add id="rentals" and class nhw to the content container -->
              <section id="rentals" class="body-container nhw">
                {% content %}


              <header class="nhw-header">
              	<h1 class="display-1">{% snippet name='areas' market='1' %} Homes For Rent</h1>
              	<div class="btn-list">
              		<a href="{% snippet name='portal' type='app' %}" target="_blank" title='opens in new tab' class="btn">Apply Online</a>
              		<a href="/tenants" class="btn btn--secondary">Rental Qualifications</a>

              <p class="mw-950 text-center">
              	Whether you're relocating,
              	planning a long-term stay, or simply prefer the flexibility of renting, our extensive listings offer a diverse range of quality homes available
              	for extended periods. We understand that finding the right long-term rental is a significant decision, and that's why our search page provides
              	a user-friendly interface, advanced filtering options, and comprehensive property details to streamline your search process. Take your time,
              	explore our listings, and discover a place where comfort, convenience, and long-lasting memories await you. Start your journey towards finding
              	the ideal {% snippet name='areas' market='1' %} rental property today!

              <div id="nesthub-property-list-view" class="nesthub-widget property-list" data-ion="listing-list">
              	{% listing_page %}
              	<form id="nesthub-search-form" class="prop-search-form" _lpchecked="1">

              		<div class="prop-search-form__container">

              			<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--search">
              				<div class="prop-search-form__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhvl-location"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-form__field">
              					{% capture searchInput %}{% listingSearchKeyword %}{% endcapture %}
              					{{ searchInput | replace: 'Search', 'Search by Location' | replace: 'name="search"', 'name="search" placeholder="Address, city, state, or zip"' }}

              			<div class="prop-search-form__item">
              				<div class="prop-search-form__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhw-property"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-form__field">
              					{% capture propTypeInput %}{% listingSearchPropertyTypes %}{% endcapture %}
              					{{ propTypeInput | replace: 'Property Type', 'Type of Place' }}

              			<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--beds">
              				<div class="prop-search-form__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhvl-king-bed"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
              					<div class="prop-search-form__label">Beds & Baths</div>
              					<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
              				<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
              					{% listingSearchBeds %}
              					{% listingSearchBaths %}

              			<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--price">
              				<div class="prop-search-form__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhw-price"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
              					<div class="prop-search-form__label">Price Range</div>
              					<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
              				<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
              					{% capture searchMinRent %}{% listingSearchMinRent  %}{% endcapture %}
              					{{ searchMinRent | replace: 'Minimum Rent', 'Min Rent' }}

              					{% capture searchMaxRent %}{% listingSearchMaxRent  %}{% endcapture %}
              					{{ searchMaxRent | replace: 'Maximum Rent', 'Max Rent' }}

              			<div class="prop-search-form__btn">
              				<label for="nesthub-search-btn"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span></label>
              				<button id="nesthub-search-btn">
              					<div class="icon"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhvl-search"></i></div>


              		<div class="prop-search-options">

              			<div class="prop-search-options__item">
              				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-light fa-sliders"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
              					Optional Filters
              				<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
												{% capture pet_dropdown %}{% listingSearchPets %}{% endcapture %}
												{{ pet_dropdown | replace: 'DogsAllowed', 'Dogs Allowed' | replace: 'CatsAllowed', 'Cats Allowed' | replace: 'DogsAndCats', 'Dogs and Cats' | replace: 'NoPetsAllowed', 'No Pets Allowed' }}

              			<div class="prop-search-options__item">
              				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
              					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-arrow-down"></i></div>
              				<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
              				<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
              					{% listingSearchSort %}



              	{% assign listing_count = listings | size %}

              	{% if listing_count <= 0 %}
              	<div class="nhw__no-listings">
              		<h4>No Listings Found!</h4>
              	{% else %}
              	<ul class="nhw-nav nhw-nav-pills nhw-mb-3" id="nesthub-property-list-tab-list" role="tablist">
              		<li class="nhw-nav-item">
              			<a class="nhw-nav-link nhw-show nhw-active" id="nesthub-property-list-tab" href="#nesthub-property-list" role="tab" aria-controls="nesthub-property-list" aria-selected="true">List</a>
              		<li class="nhw-nav-item">
              			<a class="nhw-nav-link" id="nesthub-property-map-tab" href="#nesthub-property-map" role="tab" aria-controls="nesthub-property-map" aria-selected="false">Map</a>
              	<div class="nhw-tab-content" id="nesthub-property-list-tab-content">
              		<div class="nhw-tab-pane nhw-fade nhw-active" id="nesthub-property-list" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nesthub-property-list-tab">

              			<div class="nhw-list">
              				{% for listing in listings %}

              				{% assign imageCount = listing.images %}
              				<div class="nhw-list__item">
              					<a href="{{listing.systemUrl}}" data-id="{{ listing.listingID }}">
              						{% assign imageCount = listing.images | size %}
              						{% assign images = listing.images %}
              						<div class="nhw-list__image">

              							{% if imageCount > 0 %}
              							<div class="f-carousel" id="carousel{{ forloop.index }}">
              								{% for image in images %}
              								<div class="f-carousel__slide">
              									<img data-src="{{ image.url }}?size=small" alt="{{ listing.headline }} property image" class="lazyload" />
              								{% endfor %}
              							{% else %}
              								<img data-src="" alt="{{ listing.headline }}" class="lazyload" />
              							{% endif %}

													<div class="nhw-list__price">
														{{ | money | replace: '.00', '' }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.rentMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.rentMax | money | replace: '.00', '' }}{% endif %}/mo.
													<div class="nhw-list__details">
																{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.bedsMax > 0 %}
																{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
																Studio - {{ listing.bedsMax }}
																{% else %}
																{{ listing.beds }} - {{ listing.bedsMax }}
																{% endif %}
																{% else %}
																{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
																{% else %}
																{{ listing.beds }}
																{% endif %}
																{% endif %}
															<li class="nhw-icon-list-item">
																Baths: {{ listing.baths | replace: '.00', '' }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.bathsMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.bathsMax | replace: '.00', '' }}{% endif %}
															{% if listing.size %}
															<li class="nhw-icon-list-item">
																sqft: {{ listing.size }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.sizeMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.sizeMax }}{% endif %}
															{% endif %}
              						<div class="nhw-list__location">
              							{{ listing.address }}{% if listing.address2 %}, {{ listing.address2 }}{% endif %}, {{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}
              						<div class="nhw-list__prop-type">
              							{{ listing.propertyTypeName }}
              						<div class="nhw-list__availability">
              							Available: {{ listing.dateAvailable | listing_availabilityDate }}

              				{% endfor %}
              			<div class="nhw-pagination">
              				{% listing_pagination %}
              		<div class="nhw-tab-pane nhw-fade" id="nesthub-property-map" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="nesthub-property-map-tab">
              			<div id="nesthub-property-map-panel" style="height:700px;" data-lat="{{map.latitude}}" data-lng="{{map.longitude}}"></div>
              	{% endif %}

              <script type="text/javascript">
              	function closeDropdown(item) {

              	function openDropdown(item) {
              	$('[data-target="dropdown"]').click(function(e) {
              		var dropdown = $(this).siblings('.prop-search__dropdown');
              		if (dropdown.hasClass('open') == true) {
              		} else {

              	$('.prop-search-form__item, .prop-search-option__item').mouseleave(function() {
              		setTimeout(() => {
              		}, 300);

              	function updateFields() {
              		var bedValue = beds > 0 ? beds + ' bed, ' : '';
              		var bathValue = baths > 0 ? baths + ' bath' : '';
              		$('.prop-search-form__item--beds .prop-search-form__value').text(bedValue + bathValue)
              		$('.prop-search-form__item--price .prop-search-form__value').text(rentMin + ' - ' + rentMax)

              	// Update Search Placeholders on Page Load
              	if ( > 0 ) {
              		var beds ='&bedsMin=')[1].split('&')[0];
              		var baths ='&bathsMin=')[1].split('&')[0];
              		var rentMin = '$' +'&rentMin=')[1].split('&')[0];
              		var rentMax = '$' +'&rentMax=')[1].split('&')[0];


              	// Update Search Placeholer Text on Input Change
              	$('.prop-search-form__item input, .prop-search-form__item select').on('change keydown paste input', function(){
              			beds = $('#nesthub-listing-prop-search-beds').val();
              			baths = $('#nesthub-listing-prop-search-baths').val();
              			rentMin = '$' + $('#nesthub-listing-prop-search-min-rent').val();
              			rentMax = '$' + $('#nesthub-listing-prop-search-max-rent').val();
              			updateFields(beds, baths, rentMin, rentMax);
              		if ($(this).parent('.prop-search-form__item').children('.prop-search-form__value').text().length == 0) {
              			$(this).parent('.prop-search-form__item').children('.prop-search-form__value').text('Choose amounts')

								// Init Filters on Input Change
								$('#nesthub-listing-prop-search-pets, #nesthub-listing-prop-search-sort').on('change keydown paste input', function(){

              	$( document ).ready(function() {
              		// Init Image Carousel
              			const container = document.getElementById($(this).attr('id'));
              			const options = {
              				Navigation: {
              					nextTpl: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" tabindex="-1"><path d="M9 3l9 9-9 9"/></svg>',
              					prevTpl: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" tabindex="-1"><path d="M15 3l-9 9 9 9"/></svg>',
              				Dots: false,
              			new Carousel(container, options);




              <script type="application/ld+json">
              		"@context": "",
              		"@type": "RealEstateListing",
              		"name": "{{ listing.headline }}",
              		"image": {
              			"@type": "ImageObject",
              			"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
              <script type="application/ld+json">
              		"@context": "",
              		"@type": "Place",
              		"address": {
              			"@type": "PostalAddress",
              			"addressLocality": "{{ }}",
              			"addressRegion": "{{ listing.stateID }}",
              			"postalCode": "{{ listing.postalCode }}",
              			"streetAddress": "{{ listing.address }} {{ listing.address2 }}"
              		"petsAllowed": "{{ listing.petDescription }}",
              		"tourapplicationPage": "",
              		"smokingAllowed": "{{ listing.acceptSmoking | boolean }}",
              		"description": "{{ listing.description | strip_html }}",
              		"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
              <script type="application/ld+json">
              		"@context": "",
              		"@type": "Accommodation",
              		"numberOfBedrooms": "{{ listing.beds }}",
              		"numberOfBathroomsTotal": "{{ listing.baths }}",
              		"leaseLength": "{{ listing.leaseDescription }}",
              		"accommodationCategory": "{{ listing.propertyTypeName }}"
              <script type="application/ld+json">
              		"@context": "",
              		"@type": "RentAction",
              		"priceSpecification": {
              			"@type": "UnitPriceSpecification",
              			"price": "{{ | money }}",
              			"priceCurrency": "USD",
              			"name": "Monthly Rent",
              			"referenceQuantity": {
              				"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
              				"value": "1",
              				"unitCode": "MON"

              <div class="nesthub-widget">
              	<div id="nesthub-property-detail-view" class="nhw-details">
									{% listing_plugin %}
									{% if listing.isActive == false %}
										<p>This Property Is Not Available</p>
									{% else %}

              		{% listing_page %}
              		{% if leadSent %}
              		<div class="nhw-alert nhw-alert-success" role="alert">
              			Message has been sent!
              		{% endif %}

              		<section class="nhw-details__header">
              			<header class="text-center">
              				<h1 data-fancybox-trigger="map">{{ listing.address }}</h1>
              				<h2>{{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}</h2>
              			<div class="nhw-back-btn">
              				<a href="/{% snippet name='areas' market='1' toUrl='true' %}-homes-for-rent"><i class="fa-kit fa-pmi-arrow-left"></i> Back to search</a>

              		{% assign imageCount = images | size %}
              		{% if imageCount > 0 %}
              		<section class="nhw-details__gallery">

              			<div class="image-container image-container--primary">
              				{% for image in images limit: 1 %}
              				<div class="image-preview">
              					<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
              						<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
              				{% endfor %}

              			{% if images.size > 1 %}
              			<div class="image-container image-container--secondary">
              				{% for image in images offset: 1 limit: 4 %}
              				<div class="image-preview">
              					<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
              						<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
              				{% endfor %}
              			{% endif %}

              			{% if images.size > 5 %}
              			<div class="nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery">
              				<i class="fa-regular fa-square-plus"></i> Full Gallery
              			{% endif %}

              			{% if images.size > 5 %}
              			<div class="additional-images">
              				{% assign imageCount = images.size | minus: 1 %}
              				{% for i in (5..imageCount) %}
              				<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ images[i].caption }}">
              					<img data-src="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" class="lazyload" />
              				{% endfor %}
              			{% endif %}

              			{% if listing.virtualTour  %}
              			<a class="nhw-listing-detail-view-video" data-fancybox="gallery" data-type="iframe" href="{% if listing.virtualTourType == 'youtube' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}{% elsif listing.virtualTourType == 'vimeo' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0'{% else %}{{ listing.virtualTour }}{% endif %}">
              				<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-video-plus"></i> Video Tour
              			{% endif %}

              		{% endif %}

              		<section class="nhw-details__share">
              			<div class="social-icons">
              				<div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_default_style">
              					<a title="opens in new window" class="a2a_dd" href=""><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-from-bracket"></i> Share</a>

              		<section class="nhw-details__content">

              			<div class="nhw-details__property-info">

              				<h3 class="nhw-details__heading mt-0">Property Details</h3>
											<div class="key-details">
											<div class="key-detail price">
												<span class="value">{{ | money: 0 }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.rentMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.rentMax | money: 0 }}{% endif %}</span>
												<span class="label">Per Month</span>
											<div class="key-detail bedrooms">
												<span class="value">
													{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.bedsMax > 0 %}
													{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
													Studio - {{ listing.bedsMax }}
													{% else %}
													{{ listing.beds }} - {{ listing.bedsMax }}
													{% endif %}
													{% else %}
													{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
													{% else %}
													{{ listing.beds }}
													{% endif %}
													{% endif %}
												<span class="label">Beds</span>
											<div class="key-detail bathrooms">
												<span class="value">{{ listing.baths | number: 1 }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.bathsMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.bathsMax | number: 1 }}{% endif %}</span>
												<span class="label">Baths</span>
											{% if listing.size %}
											<div class="key-detail sqft">
												<span class="value">
													{{ listing.size }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.sizeMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.sizeMax }}{% endif %}
												<span class="label">sqft</span>
											{% endif %}
											<div class="key-detail rent">
												<span class="value">•</span>
												<span class="label">
													{% if listing.isActive == 0 %}
														This Property Is Not Available
													{% else %}
														For Rent
													{% endif %}


              				<div class="sub-details">
              					<div class="sub-detail">
              						<span class="sub-detail__label">Building Type:</span>
              						<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.propertyTypeName | replace: ' Home', '' }}</span>
												{% if listing.deposit != blank %}
													<div class="sub-detail">
														<span class="sub-detail__label">Deposit:</span>
														<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.deposit | money: 0 }}{% if listing.isMultiUnit == "1" and listing.depositMax > 0 %} - {{ listing.depositMax | money: 0 }}{% endif %}</span>
												{% endif %}
              					{% if listing.petDescription != blank or listing.acceptDogs != blank or listing.acceptCats != blank %}
              						<div class="sub-detail">
              							<span class="sub-detail__label">Pets:</span>
              							<span class="sub-detail__value">
              							{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 or listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
              							{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
              							{% endif %}
              					{% endif %}
												{% if listing.isActive == 1 %}
												<div class="sub-detail">
													<span class="sub-detail__label">Date Available:</span>
													<span class="sub-detail__value">
														{{ listing.dateAvailable | listing_availabilityDate }}
												{% endif %}
              					{% if listing.applicationFee != blank %}
              					<div class="sub-detail">
              						<span class="sub-detail__label">App Fee:</span>
              						<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.applicationFee | money: 0 }}</span>
              					{% endif %}
              					{% if listing.acceptDogs == blank and listing.acceptCats == blank %}{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
              					{% else %}
              						<div class="sub-detail">
              							<span class="sub-detail__label">Pet Type:</span>
              							<span class="sub-detail__value">
              								{% capture petsAllowed %}
              								{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 %}
              								{% endif %}
              								{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 and listing.acceptCats == 1 %},{% endif %}
              								{% if listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
              								{% endif %}
              								{% endcapture %}
              								{{ petsAllowed | strip_newlines | replace: '	', '' | replace: ',', ', ' }}
              					{% endif %}

              				<div class="headline">
              					{{ listing.headline }}
              				<div class="description">
              					{{ listing.description | newline_to_br }}

											<div class="nhw-details__property-details mt-4">
													{% if listing.lotSize %}
													<dt>Lot Size</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.lotSize }}</dd>
													{% endif %}

													{% if listing.includedUtilityDescription %}
													<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.includedUtilityDescription.slice(0, -2) }}</dd>
													{% endif %}

													{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' or listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' or  listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' or listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' or listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' or listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' or listing.isCableIncluded == '1' or listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' or listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' or listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
													<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
													<ul class="commas">
														{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isCableIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' %}
														<li>Snow Removal</li>
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
														<li>Pool Service</li>
														{% endif %}
													{% endif %}

													{% if listing.heatType %}
													<dt>Heat Type</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.heatType }}</dd>
													{% endif %}

													{% if listing.yearBuilt %}
													<dt>Year Built</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.yearBuilt }}</dd>
													{% endif %}

												{% if listing.petDescription or listing.acceptSmoking == 0 %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Restrictions</h3>
													{% if listing.acceptSmoking == 0 %}
													<dt class="mb-2">Smoking Not Allowed</dt>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.petDescription %}
													<dt>Pet Details</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.petDescription }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.depositDescription or  listing.leaseDescription or listing.acceptAssistance %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Lease Details</h3>
													{% if listing.depositDescription %}
													<dt>Deposit Details</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.depositDescription }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.leaseDescription %}
													<dt>Lease Description</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.leaseDescription }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.acceptAssistance %}
													<dt>Housing Assistance</dt>
														{% if listing.acceptAssistance == '1' %}
														{% elsif listing.acceptAssistance == '0' %}
														Not available
														{% endif %}
													{% endif %}
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.areaInformation or listing.schools %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Area Information</h3>
													{% if listing.areaInformation %}
													<!-- <dt>Area Information</dt> -->
													<dd>{{ listing.areaInformation }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.schools %}
													<dd>{{ listing.schools }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.parkingTypeID or listing.parkingSpaces %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Parking</h3>
													{% if listing.parkingTypeID > 0 %}
													<dt>Parking Type</dt>
														{% case listing.parkingTypeID %}
														{% when '1' %}
														Attached Garage
														{% when '2' %}
														{% when '3' %}
														{% when '4' %}
														{% when '5' %}
														{% when '6' %}
														Detatched Garage
														{% endcase %}
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.parkingSpaces %}
													<dt>Spaces Available</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.parkingSpaces }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
												{% endif %}


              				{% if listing.features.size > 0 %}
              				<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Features and Amenities</h3>
              				<div class="features">
              					<ul class="dots">

              							{% for feature in listing.features %}
              							<li>{{ feature }}</li>
              							{% endfor %}
              				{% endif %}


              			<div class="nhw-details__contact-info">

										{% if listing.isActive == 1 %}
              					<div class="nhw-details__form-container">
													{% if listing.applicationUrl or listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
              						<div class="nhw-details__links">
              							<div class="btn-list">
              								{% if listing.applicationUrl %}
              								<a href="{{ listing.applicationUrl }}" target="_blank" class="btn btn--primary">Apply Online</a>
              								{% endif %}
              								<!-- <a href="/tenants" target="_blank" class="btn btn--light">Rental Qualifications</a> -->
              								{% if listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
              								<a href="{{ listing.scheduleViewingUrl }}" target="_blank" class="btn btn--secondary">Schedule Viewing</a>
              								{% endif %}
													{% endif %}
              						<div class="nhw-form-header text-center">
              							<h3>Questions? Contact Us!</h3>
														{% if %}
	              							<ul class="list-unstyled">
	              								<li>phone: <a href="tel:{{ }}">{{ | listing_phone }}</a></li>
														{% endif %}
              						<div class="nhw-details__form">
              						<form id="nesthub-property-lead-form" class="nhw-form" method="POST">
              							<div class="nhw-form-group">
              								{% listing_leadName %}
              							<div class="nhw-form-group">
              								{% listing_leadEmail %}
              							<div class="nhw-form-group">
              								{% listing_leadPhone %}
              							<div class="nhw-form-group nhw-form-group-textarea">
              								{% listing_leadMessage %}
              							{% listing_nonce %}
              							{% listing_honeypot %}
              							<button type="submit" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn-primary nhw-btn-block">Submit</button>
											{% endif %}
              				<div class="nhw-details__location">
              					<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Location</h3>
              					{% capture mapAddress %}{{ listing.address }},+{{ }},+{{ listing.stateID }}+{{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}{% endcapture %}
              					<div class="nhw-details__map-container">
              						<div data-fancybox="map" data-src="{{ mapAddress | replace: ' ', '+' | replace: '#', '' | replace: '.', '' |  urlencode }}/@{{ listing.latitude }},{{ listing.longitude }},14z" id="nhw-listing-detail-map-container" data-latitude="{{ listing.latitude }}" data-longitude="{{ listing.longitude }}"></div>



							{% endif %}

              <script type="text/javascript">
              	// Floating Form Labels
              	$('.nhw-form-control').on('change keydown paste input', function(){
              		if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
              		} else (

              	$(document).ready(function () {
              		mapboxgl.accessToken =

              		const container = $("#nhw-listing-detail-map-container");

              		const lat ="latitude") || 0.0;
              		const lng ="longitude") || 0.0;
              		const zoom ="zoom") || 8;

              		const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
              			container: "nhw-listing-detail-map-container",
              			style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12", // style URL
              			center: [lng, lat], // starting position [lng, lat]
              			zoom: zoom, // starting zoom

              		const marker = new mapboxgl.Marker().setLngLat([lng, lat]).addTo(map);

              		Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="gallery"]', {});

              		Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="map"]', {});

              		$(".nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery").on("click", function () {




Change Page Size:

{ "pageSize": "24" }

Change Page Size & add Filters:

{ "pageSize": "24", "filters": { "search": "Newly Renovated"} }


You can create a page using the Nesthub 'Listings' module and apply Tags created within the module to apply to properties to filter. (Ex. Instead of filtering by a keyword or using lat/long, they can set a tag on a specific property to display on a similar setup to the SPP.)




								"filters": {
									"tags": [
										"listing tag 1",
										"listing tag 3"


Search by Keyword in description/title/etc:

{ "filters": { "search": "comingsoon"} }

Adding Multiple for a Lat/Long Radius:
Note: Must have 14 decimal places

{ "filters": { "locationLat": "38.01932702077288", "locationLng": "122.13658260308127", "locationRadius": "20"} }

Assign a Specific Feed to a Page (Feed ID is in URL on feed page)

{ "filters": { "feedID": 1 } }
{ "filters": { "feedIDs": [ 3, 4 ] } }

Filter by State (ex. Alabama)

{ "filters": { "stateID": "AL" } }

Other Filters:

  • isActive
  • search
  • rentMin
  • rentMax
  • bedsMin
  • bathsMin
  • propertyTypeID
  • petFilterOptionID
  • feedTypeID
  • feedID
  • sort
  • latitudeMin
  • latitudeMax
  • longitudeMin
  • longitudeMax
  • locationLng
  • locationLat
  • locationRadius

If you're doing a center out radius, radius is in miles by default

Property Type Filters

  • SingleFamilyHome = 1
  • Apartment = 2
  • Condo = 3
  • Townhouse = 4
  • Duplex = 5
  • Multiplex = 6
  • Loft = 7
  • MobileHome = 8
  • Commercial = 9
  • Garage = 10
  • Other = 11

Exclusion Filters

If trying to use exclusion filters

  • notPropertyTypeIDs

If needing to use multiple filters, use the following


If hiding ShowMojo Link in Nesthub Listings Widget

Replace {{ listing.description }} with the following:



          {{ listing.description  | split: '----' | last }}

Standard Nesthub Widget (non-APP)

View Example

Files to add to Homes for Rent Page (or update Rentals Template if it's a newer site)


											 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
											 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
											 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
											 <script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
											 <script src=""></script>
											 <script src=""></script>
											 <script src=""></script>
											 <script src=""></script>

Code to Add to Homes for Rent Page -- Replace old FRS code

											<div id="nh-props" data-ion="listing-widget"></div>


Code to Add to styles.css file for older sites

										/* Set Design Standards & Colors Here -- Replace with customer's colors */
										:root {
											--primary: #29abe2;
											--dark: #000000;
											--gray: #f6f6f6;
											--primary-font: inherit;

Adding generic URL to all properties





Other Filters:

  • 'stateID'
  • ‘search’,
  • ‘rentMin’,
  • ‘rentMax’,
  • ‘bedsMin’,
  • ‘bathsMin’,
  • ‘propertyTypeID’,
  • ‘petFilterOptionID’,
  • ‘feedTypeID’,
  • ‘feedID’,
  • ‘sort’,
  • ‘latitudeMin’,
  • ‘latitudeMax’,
  • ‘longitudeMin’,
  • ‘longitudeMax’
  • locationLng
  • locationLat
  • locationRadius

If you're doing a center out radius, radius is in miles by default

Property Type Filters

  • SingleFamilyHome = 1
  • Apartment = 2
  • Condo = 3
  • Townhouse = 4
  • Duplex = 5
  • Multiplex = 6
  • Loft = 7
  • MobileHome = 8
  • Commercial = 9
  • Garage = 10
  • Other = 11

Exclusion Filters

If trying to use exclusion filters

  • notPropertyTypeIDs[]=9

If needing to use multiple filters, use the following


The Map Last Updated 1/10/2024

View Example


Remove any .container, .container-fluid, or .no-hero classes from the Rentals Template. Older sites may need root variables to be set for colors and header-height.

Files to add to Rentals Template

							<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
							<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
							<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
							<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
							<script defer src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
							<script defer src=""></script>
							<script defer src=""></script>
							<script defer id="search-js" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
							<script defer src=""></script>
							<script defer src=""></script>


	            <div id="nesthub-property-list-view" class="nesthub-widget property-list" data-ion="listing-list" data-lat="{{map.latitude}}" data-lng="{{map.longitude}}">
	            	{% listing_page %}
	            	<form id="nesthub-search-form" class="prop-search-form" _lpchecked="1">

	            		<div class="prop-search-bar">

	            			<div class="prop-search-form__container">
	            				<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--search">
	            					<div class="prop-search-form__field">
	            						<label for="search">Search by Location</label>
	            						<div id="geocoder" class="geocoder"></div>

	            				<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--prop-type">
	            					<div class="prop-search-form__field">
	            						{% capture propTypeInput %}{% listingSearchPropertyTypes %}{% endcapture %}
	            						{{ propTypeInput | replace: 'Property Type', 'Type of Place' | replace: 'nhw-form-control', 'nhw-form-control selectNative js-selectNative' }}
	            						<div class="selectCustom js-selectCustom" aria-hidden="true">
	            							<div class="selectCustom-trigger">Any</div>
	            								<div class="selectCustom-options">
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="">Any</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="1">Single Family Home</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="2">Apartment</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="3">Condo</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="4">Townhouse</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="5">Duplex</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="6">Multiplex</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="7">Loft</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="8">Mobile Home</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="9">Commercial</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="10">Garage</div>
	            									<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="11">Other</div>

	            				<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--beds">
	            					<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
	            						<div class="prop-search-form__label">Beds & Baths</div>
	            						<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
	            					<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
	            						{% listingSearchBeds %}
	            						{% listingSearchBaths %}

	            				<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--price">
	            					<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
	            						<div class="prop-search-form__label">Price Range</div>
	            						<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
	            					<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
	            						{% capture searchMinRent %}{% listingSearchMinRent  %}{% endcapture %}
	            						{{ searchMinRent | replace: 'Minimum Rent', 'Min Rent' }}

	            						{% capture searchMaxRent %}{% listingSearchMaxRent  %}{% endcapture %}
	            						{{ searchMaxRent | replace: 'Maximum Rent', 'Max Rent' }}

	            				<div class="prop-search-form__btn">
	            					<label for="nesthub-search-btn"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span></label>
	            					<button id="nesthub-search-btn">
	            						<div class="icon"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhvl-search"></i></div>

	            		<div class="prop-search-options">

	            			<div class="prop-search-options__item">
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
	            					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-light fa-sliders"></i></div>
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
	            					Optional Filters
	            				<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
	            					{% capture pet_dropdown %}{% listingSearchPets %}{% endcapture %}
	            					{{ pet_dropdown | replace: 'DogsAllowed', 'Dogs Allowed' | replace: 'CatsAllowed', 'Cats Allowed' | replace: 'DogsAndCats', 'Dogs and Cats' | replace: 'NoPetsAllowed', 'No Pets Allowed' }}
	            					<label id="keywordSearch" for="search">Keyword Search</label>
	            					<input type="text" name="search" value="" class="nhw-form-control">

										<div class="prop-search-options__item">
											<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
												<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-arrow-down"></i></div>
											<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
											<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
												<select id="nesthub-listing-prop-search-sort" name="sort" class="nhw-form-control">
													<option value="distance">Distance from Map Center</option>
													<optgroup label="Date Posted">
														<option value="advertisedDate|desc">Date Posted (new -old)</option>
														<option value="advertisedDate">Date Posted (old - new)</option>
													<optgroup label="Price">
														<option value="rent">Price (low - high)</option>
														<option value="rent|desc">Price (high - low)</option>
													<optgroup label="Beds">
														<option value="beds">Beds (low - high)</option>
														<option value="beds|desc">Beds (high - low)</option>
													<optgroup label="Baths">
														<option value="baths">Baths (low - high)</option>
														<option value="baths|desc">Baths (high - low)</option>
													<optgroup label="Area (Sq.Ft.)">
														<option value="size">SqFt (low - high)</option>
														<option value="size|desc">SqFt (high - low)</option>
													<optgroup label="Availability Date">
														<option value="dateAvailable">Availability (sooner - later)</option>
														<option value="dateAvailable|desc">Availability (later - sooner)</option>

	            			<div id="resetSearch" class="prop-search-options__item">
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
	            					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-rotate-right"></i></div>
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__label">
	            					Reset Search

	            			<div id="hideMap" class="prop-search-options__item">
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
	            					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-xmark"></i></div>
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__label">
	            					Hide Map

	            			<div id="showMap" class="prop-search-options__item">
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
	            					<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-plus"></i></div>
	            				<div class="prop-search-options__label">
	            					Show Map



	            	<div id="nesthub-properties-list-view" class="nesthub-widget nesthub-property-locator">
	            		<div class="property-locator-content loading-spinner">
	            			<div class="loading-bar"></div>

	            			<!-- Mobile Map -->
	            			<div id="map-mobile" class="locator-map locator-map--mobile d-lg-none"></div>

	            			<!-- List -->
	            			<div id="nhwList" class="property-locator-list"></div>


	            		<!-- Desktop Map -->
	            		<div id="map" class="locator-map locator-map--desktop d-none d-lg-block"></div>



	            <script defer src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
	            <script defer id="search-js" src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
	            <script defer type="text/javascript" src=""></script>



	            <script type="application/ld+json">
	            		"@context": "",
	            		"@type": "RealEstateListing",
	            		"name": "{{ listing.headline }}",
	            		"image": {
	            			"@type": "ImageObject",
	            			"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
	            <script type="application/ld+json">
	            		"@context": "",
	            		"@type": "Place",
	            		"address": {
	            			"@type": "PostalAddress",
	            			"addressLocality": "{{ }}",
	            			"addressRegion": "{{ listing.stateID }}",
	            			"postalCode": "{{ listing.postalCode }}",
	            			"streetAddress": "{{ listing.address }} {{ listing.address2 }}"
	            		"petsAllowed": "{{ listing.petDescription }}",
	            		"tourapplicationPage": "",
	            		"smokingAllowed": "{{ listing.acceptSmoking | boolean }}",
	            		"description": "{{ listing.description }}",
	            		"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
	            <script type="application/ld+json">
	            		"@context": "",
	            		"@type": "Accommodation",
	            		"numberOfBedrooms": "{{ listing.beds }}",
	            		"numberOfBathroomsTotal": "{{ listing.baths }}",
	            		"leaseLength": "{{ listing.leaseDescription }}",
	            		"accommodationCategory": "{{ listing.propertyTypeName }}"
	            <script type="application/ld+json">
	            		"@context": "",
	            		"@type": "RentAction",
	            		"priceSpecification": {
	            			"@type": "UnitPriceSpecification",
	            			"price": "{{ | money }}",
	            			"priceCurrency": "USD",
	            			"name": "Monthly Rent",
	            			"referenceQuantity": {
	            				"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
	            				"value": "1",
	            				"unitCode": "MON"

	            <div class="nesthub-widget">
	            	<div id="nesthub-property-detail-view" class="nhw-details">
	            		{% listing_plugin %}
	            		{% listing_page %}
	            		{% if leadSent %}
	            		<div class="nhw-alert nhw-alert-success" role="alert">
	            			Message has been sent!
	            		{% endif %}

	            		<section class="nhw-details__header">
	            			<div class="nhw-back-btn">
	            				<a id="back-btn" href="#" data-market="{% snippet name='areas' market='1' toUrl='true' %}"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-chevron-left"></i> Back to search</a>
	            			<div class="nhw-details__property-contact">
	            				<header class="nhw-details__address" data-fancybox-trigger="map">
	            					<h1>{{ listing.address }}</h1>
	            					<h2>{{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}</h2>
	            				<div class="nhw-details__links">
	            					<div class="btn-list">
	            						{% if listing.applicationUrl %}
	            						<a href="{{ listing.applicationUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn">Apply<span> Online</span></a>
	            						{% endif %}
	            						{% if listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
	            						<a href="{{ listing.scheduleViewingUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--dark">Schedule Viewing</a>
	            						{% endif %}
	            						<a href="#contact" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--secondary smooth-scroll">Contact<span> Us</span></a>

	            		<section class="nhw-details__body">

	            		{% assign imageCount = images | size %}
	            		{% if imageCount > 0 %}
	            		<section class="nhw-details__gallery">

	            			<div class="image-container image-container--primary">
	            				{% for image in images limit: 1 %}
	            				<div class="image-preview">
	            					<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
	            						<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
	            				{% endfor %}

	            			{% if images.size > 1 %}
	            			<div class="image-container image-container--secondary">
	            				{% for image in images offset: 1 limit: 4 %}
	            				<div class="image-preview">
	            					<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
	            						<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
	            				{% endfor %}
	            			{% endif %}

	            			{% if images.size > 5 %}
	            			<div class="additional-images">
	            				{% assign imageCount = images.size | minus: 1 %}
	            				{% for i in (5..imageCount) %}
	            				<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ images[i].caption }}">
	            					<img data-src="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" class="lazyload" />
	            				{% endfor %}
	            			{% endif %}

	            			{% if images.size > 5 %}
	            			<div class="nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery">
	            				<i class="fa-regular fa-square-plus"></i> Full Gallery
	            			{% endif %}

	            			{% if listing.virtualTour  %}
	            			<a class="nhw-listing-detail-view-video" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{% if listing.virtualTourType == 'youtube' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}{% elsif listing.virtualTourType == 'vimeo' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0'{% else %}{{ listing.virtualTour }}{% endif %}" data-type="iframe" data-height="80vh">
	            				<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-video-plus"></i> Video Tour
	            			{% endif %}

	            		{% endif %}

	            		<section class="nhw-details__share">
	            			<div class="social-icons">
	            				<div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_default_style">
	            					<a title="opens in new window" class="a2a_dd" href=""><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-from-bracket"></i> Share</a>

	            		<section class="nhw-details__content">

	            			<div class="nhw-details__property-info">

	            				<h3 class="nhw-details__heading mt-0">Property Details</h3>
	            				<div class="key-details">
	            					<div class="key-detail price">
	            						<span class="value">{{ | money: 0 }}</span>
	            						<span class="label">Per Month</span>
	            					<div class="key-detail bedrooms">
	            						<span class="value">
	            						{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
	            						{% else %}
	            						{{ listing.beds }}
	            						{% endif %}
	            						<span class="label">Beds</span>
	            					<div class="key-detail bathrooms">
	            						<span class="value">{{ listing.baths | number: 1 }}</span>
	            						<span class="label">Baths</span>
	            					{% if listing.size %}
	            					<div class="key-detail sqft">
	            						<span class="value">
	            							{{ listing.size }}
	            						<span class="label">sqft</span>
	            					{% endif %}
	            					<div class="key-detail rent">
	            						<span class="value">•</span>
	            						<span class="label">For Rent</span>


	            				<div class="sub-details">
	            					<div class="sub-detail">
	            						<span class="sub-detail__label">Building Type:</span>
	            						<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.propertyTypeName | replace: ' Home', '' }}</span>
	            					{% if listing.deposit != blank %}
	            					<div class="sub-detail">
	            						<span class="sub-detail__label">Deposit:</span>
	            						<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.deposit | money: 0 }}</span>
	            					{% endif %}
	            					{% if listing.petDescription != blank or listing.acceptDogs != blank or listing.acceptCats != blank %}
	            						<div class="sub-detail">
	            							<span class="sub-detail__label">Pets:</span>
	            							<span class="sub-detail__value">
	            							{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 or listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
	            							{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
	            							{% endif %}
	            					{% endif %}
	            					<div class="sub-detail">
	            						<span class="sub-detail__label">Date Available:</span>
	            						<span class="sub-detail__value">
	            							{{ listing.dateAvailable | listing_availabilityDate }}
	            					{% if listing.applicationFee != blank %}
	            					<div class="sub-detail">
	            						<span class="sub-detail__label">App Fee:</span>
	            						<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.applicationFee | money: 0 }}</span>
	            					{% endif %}
	            					{% if listing.acceptDogs == blank and listing.acceptCats == blank %}{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
	            					{% else %}
	            						<div class="sub-detail">
	            							<span class="sub-detail__label">Pet Type:</span>
	            							<span class="sub-detail__value">
	            								{% capture petsAllowed %}
	            								{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 and listing.acceptCats == 1 %},{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% endcapture %}
	            								{{ petsAllowed | strip_newlines | replace: '	', '' | replace: ',', ', ' }}
	            					{% endif %}

	            				<div class="headline">
	            					{{ listing.headline }}
	            				<div class="description">
	            					{{ listing.description | newline_to_br | remove: ';amp;amp' }}

	            				<div class="nhw-details__property-details mt-4">
	            						{% if listing.lotSize %}
	            							<dt>Lot Size</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.lotSize }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}

	            						{% if listing.includedUtilityDescription %}
	            							<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.includedUtilityDescription.slice(0, -2) }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}

	            						{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' or listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' or  listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' or listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' or listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' or listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' or listing.isCableIncluded == '1' or listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' or listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' or listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
	            							<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
	            							<ul class="commas">
	            								{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isCableIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' %}
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' %}
	            									<li>Snow Removal</li>
	            								{% endif %}
	            								{% if listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
	            									<li>Pool Service</li>
	            								{% endif %}
	            						{% endif %}

	            						{% if listing.heatType %}
	            							<dt>Heat Type</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.heatType }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}

	            						{% if listing.yearBuilt %}
	            							<dt>Year Built</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.yearBuilt }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}

	            					{% if listing.petDescription or listing.acceptSmoking %}
	            						<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Restrictions</h3>
	            							{% if listing.petDescription %}
	            								<dt>Pet Details</dt>
	            								<dd>{{ listing.petDescription }}</dd>
	            							{% endif %}
	            							{% if listing.acceptSmoking %}
	            									{% case listing.acceptSmoking %}
	            									{% when '0' %}
	            									Not Allowed
	            									{% when '1' %}
	            									{% endcase %}
	            							{% endif %}
	            					{% endif %}

	            					{% if listing.depositDescription or  listing.leaseDescription or listing.acceptAssistance %}
	            					<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Lease Details</h3>
	            						{% if listing.depositDescription %}
	            							<dt>Deposit Details</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.depositDescription }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}
	            						{% if listing.leaseDescription %}
	            							<dt>Lease Description</dt>
	            							<dd>{{ listing.leaseDescription }}</dd>
	            						{% endif %}
	            						{% if listing.acceptAssistance %}
	            							<dt>Housing Assistance</dt>
	            									{% if listing.acceptAssistance == '1' %}
	            									{% elsif listing.acceptAssistance == '0' %}
	            									Not available
	            									{% endif %}
	            						{% endif %}
	            					{% endif %}

	            					{% if listing.areaInformation or listing.schools %}
	            						<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Area Information</h3>
	            							{% if listing.areaInformation %}
	            								<dt>Area Information</dt>
	            								<dd>{{ listing.areaInformation }}</dd>
	            							{% endif %}
	            							{% if listing.schools %}
	            								<dd>{{ listing.schools }}</dd>
	            							{% endif %}

	            					{% endif %}

	            					{% comment %}
	            					{% capture schoolAddress %}{{ listing.address }}, {{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}{% endcapture %}
	            					<iframe className="greatschools" src="//{{ listing.latitude }}&lon={{ listing.longitude }}&cityName={{ }}&state={{ listing.stateID }}&normalizedAddress={{ schoolAddress | urlencode }}&width=640&height=500&zoom=13" width="640" height="500" marginHeight="0" marginWidth="0" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
	            					<script type="text/javascript">
	            						var _gsreq = new XMLHttpRequest();
	            						payload = {
	            							event: "Widget loaded",
	            							properties: {
	            								distinct_id: window.location.href,
	            								token: '6d6fd523-5b70-406d-bfb9-4a78438ab98d',
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	            								parent_location: window.location
	            						fetch("", {
	            							method: "POST",
	            							headers: {
	            								"Content-Type": "application/json",
	            							body: JSON.stringify(payload),
	            					{% endcomment %}

	            					{% if listing.parkingTypeID or listing.parkingSpaces %}
	            						<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Parking</h3>
	            							{% if listing.parkingTypeID > 0 %}
	            								<dt>Parking Type</dt>
	            									{% case listing.parkingTypeID %}
	            									{% when '1' %}
	            									Attached Garage
	            									{% when '2' %}
	            									{% when '3' %}
	            									{% when '4' %}
	            									{% when '5' %}
	            									{% when '6' %}
	            									Detatched Garage
	            									{% endcase %}
	            							{% endif %}
	            							{% if listing.parkingSpaces %}
	            								<dt>Spaces Available</dt>
	            								<dd>{{ listing.parkingSpaces }}</dd>
	            							{% endif %}
	            					{% endif %}


	            				{% if listing.features.size > 0 %}
	            				<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Features and Amenities</h3>
	            				<div class="features">
	            					<ul class="dots">

	            							{% for feature in listing.features %}
	            							<li>{{ feature }}</li>
	            							{% endfor %}
	            				{% endif %}


	            			<div class="nhw-details__contact-info">

	            					<div id="contact" class="nhw-details__form-container">
	            						<div class="nhw-details__links d-none">
	            							<div class="btn-list">
	            								{% if listing.applicationUrl %}
	            								<a href="{{ listing.applicationUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--secondary">Apply Online</a>
	            								{% endif %}
	            								<a href="/tenants" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--primary">Rental Qualifications</a>
	            								{% if listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
	            								<a href="{{ listing.scheduleViewingUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--accent">Schedule Viewing</a>
	            								{% endif %}
	            						<div class="nhw-form-header text-center">
	            							<h3>Questions? Contact Us!</h3>
	            							<ul class="list-unstyled">
	            								<li>phone: <a href="tel:{{ }}">{{ | listing_phone }}</a></li>
	            						<div class="nhw-details__form">
	            						<form id="nesthub-property-lead-form" class="nhw-form" method="POST">
	            							<div class="nhw-form-group">
	            								{% listing_leadName %}
	            							<div class="nhw-form-group">
	            								{% listing_leadEmail %}
	            							<div class="nhw-form-group">
	            								{% listing_leadPhone %}
	            							<div class="nhw-form-group nhw-form-group-textarea">
	            								{% listing_leadMessage %}
	            							{% listing_nonce %}
	            							{% listing_honeypot %}
	            							<button type="submit" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn-primary nhw-btn-block">Submit</button>

	            				<div class="nhw-details__location">
	            					<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Location</h3>
	            					{% capture mapAddress %}{{ listing.address }},+{{ }},+{{ listing.stateID }}+{{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}{% endcapture %}
	            					<div class="nhw-details__map-container">
	            						<div data-fancybox="map" data-src="{{ mapAddress | replace: ' ', '+' | replace: '#', '' | replace: '.', '' |  urlencode }}/@{{ listing.latitude }},{{ listing.longitude }},14z" id="nhw-listing-detail-map-container" data-latitude="{{ listing.latitude }}" data-longitude="{{ listing.longitude }}"></div>



	            		<section class="nhw-nearby-listings" data-current-prop="{{ listing.listingID }}" data-radius="3">
	            			<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Nearby Homes</h3>
	            			<div class="nhw-nearby-listings__list">




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	            	// Leasing Specials
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	            		let reExAlt = /([^<br>])*?SPECIAL:[\s\S]*?(?=<br>)/i;
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	            			$('.nhw-details__property-info .description').html(newText);

	            	checkSpecials($('.nhw-details__property-info .description').html())

	            	// Back btn
	            	function goBack(){
	            		let prevLocation = localStorage.getItem("url");
	            		let rentalsMarket = $('#back-btn').data('market');
	            		if (prevLocation !== null ) {
	            			if (prevLocation.length > 0 ) {
	            				window.location = prevLocation;
	            			} else {
	            				window.location = `${window.location.origin}/${rentalsMarket}-homes-for-rent`;
	            		} else {
	            			window.location = `${window.location.origin}/${rentalsMarket}-homes-for-rent`;

	            		return false;

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	            			offset: {
	            				top: ($('.nhw-details__property-contact').offset().top + $('.nhw-details__property-contact').outerHeight()) - 50

	            		// Listing Details Map
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	            		const container = $("#nhw-listing-detail-map-container");

	            		const lat ="latitude") || 0.0;
	            		const lng ="longitude") || 0.0;
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	            		$(".nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery").on("click", function () {


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The Map Last Updated 2/6/2024

View Example


Remove any .container, .container-fluid, or .no-hero classes from the Rentals Template. Older sites may need root variables to be set for colors and header-height.

Files to add to Rentals Template

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						<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
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						<div id="nesthub-property-list-view" class="nesthub-widget property-list" data-ion="listing-list" data-lat="{{map.latitude}}" data-lng="{{map.longitude}}" data-zoom="10" data-location-zoom="11">
							{% listing_page %}
							<form id="nesthub-search-form" class="prop-search-form" _lpchecked="1">

								<div class="prop-search-bar">

									<div class="prop-search-form__container">
										<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--search">
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												<label for="search">Search by Location</label>
												<div id="geocoder" class="geocoder"></div>

										<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--prop-type">
											<div class="prop-search-form__field">
												{% capture propTypeInput %}{% listingSearchPropertyTypes %}{% endcapture %}
												{{ propTypeInput | replace: 'Property Type', 'Type of Place' | replace: 'nhw-form-control', 'nhw-form-control selectNative js-selectNative' }}
												<div class="selectCustom js-selectCustom" aria-hidden="true">
													<div class="selectCustom-trigger">Any</div>
														<div class="selectCustom-options">
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="">Any</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="1">Single Family Home</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="2">Apartment</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="3">Condo</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="4">Townhouse</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="5">Duplex</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="6">Multiplex</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="7">Loft</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="8">Mobile Home</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="9">Commercial</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="10">Garage</div>
															<div class="selectCustom-option" data-value="11">Other</div>

										<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--beds">
											<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
												<div class="prop-search-form__label">Beds & Baths</div>
												<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
											<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
												{% listingSearchBeds %}
												{% listingSearchBaths %}

										<div class="prop-search-form__item prop-search-form__item--price">
											<div class="prop-search-form__field" data-target="dropdown">
												<div class="prop-search-form__label">Price Range</div>
												<div class="prop-search-form__value">Choose amounts</div>
											<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
												{% capture searchMinRent %}{% listingSearchMinRent  %}{% endcapture %}
												{{ searchMinRent | replace: 'Minimum Rent', 'Min Rent' }}

												{% capture searchMaxRent %}{% listingSearchMaxRent  %}{% endcapture %}
												{{ searchMaxRent | replace: 'Maximum Rent', 'Max Rent' }}

										<div class="prop-search-form__btn">
											<label for="nesthub-search-btn"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span></label>
											<button id="nesthub-search-btn">
												<div class="icon"><span class="sr-only">Submit</span><i aria-hidden="true" class="fa-kit fa-nhvl-search"></i></div>

								<div class="prop-search-options">

									<div class="prop-search-options__item">
										<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
											<div class="icon"><i class="fa-light fa-sliders"></i></div>
										<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
											Optional Filters
										<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
											{% capture pet_dropdown %}{% listingSearchPets %}{% endcapture %}
											{{ pet_dropdown | replace: 'DogsAllowed', 'Dogs Allowed' | replace: 'CatsAllowed', 'Cats Allowed' | replace: 'DogsAndCats', 'Dogs and Cats' | replace: 'NoPetsAllowed', 'No Pets Allowed' }}
											<label id="keywordSearch" for="search">Keyword Search</label>
											<input type="text" name="search" value="" class="nhw-form-control">

									<div class="prop-search-options__item">
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											<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-arrow-down"></i></div>
										<div class="prop-search-options__label" data-target="dropdown">
										<div class="prop-search__dropdown">
											<select id="nesthub-listing-prop-search-sort" name="sort" class="nhw-form-control">
												<option value="distance">Distance from Map Center</option>
												<optgroup label="Date Posted">
													<option value="advertisedDate|desc">Date Posted (new -old)</option>
													<option value="advertisedDate">Date Posted (old - new)</option>
												<optgroup label="Price">
													<option value="rent">Price (low - high)</option>
													<option value="rent|desc">Price (high - low)</option>
												<optgroup label="Beds">
													<option value="beds">Beds (low - high)</option>
													<option value="beds|desc">Beds (high - low)</option>
												<optgroup label="Baths">
													<option value="baths">Baths (low - high)</option>
													<option value="baths|desc">Baths (high - low)</option>
												<optgroup label="Area (Sq.Ft.)">
													<option value="size">SqFt (low - high)</option>
													<option value="size|desc">SqFt (high - low)</option>
												<optgroup label="Availability Date">
													<option value="dateAvailable">Availability (sooner - later)</option>
													<option value="dateAvailable|desc">Availability (later - sooner)</option>

									<div id="resetSearch" class="prop-search-options__item">
										<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
											<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-rotate-right"></i></div>
										<div class="prop-search-options__label">
											Reset Search

									<div id="hideMap" class="prop-search-options__item">
										<div class="prop-search-options__icon">
											<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-xmark"></i></div>
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											Hide Map

									<div id="showMap" class="prop-search-options__item">
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											<div class="icon"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-plus"></i></div>
										<div class="prop-search-options__label">
											Show Map



							<div id="nesthub-properties-list-view" class="nesthub-widget nesthub-property-locator">
								<div class="property-locator-content loading-spinner">
									<div class="loading-bar"></div>

									<!-- Mobile Map -->
									<div id="map-mobile" class="locator-map locator-map--mobile d-lg-none"></div>

									<!-- List -->
									<div id="nhwList" class="property-locator-list"></div>


								<!-- Desktop Map -->
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						<script type="application/ld+json">
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								"@type": "RealEstateListing",
								"name": "{{ listing.headline }}",
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									"@type": "ImageObject",
									"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
						<script type="application/ld+json">
								"@context": "",
								"@type": "Place",
								"address": {
									"@type": "PostalAddress",
									"addressLocality": "{{ }}",
									"addressRegion": "{{ listing.stateID }}",
									"postalCode": "{{ listing.postalCode }}",
									"streetAddress": "{{ listing.address }} {{ listing.address2 }}"
								"petsAllowed": "{{ listing.petDescription }}",
								"tourapplicationPage": "",
								"smokingAllowed": "{{ listing.acceptSmoking | boolean }}",
								"description": "{{ listing.description }}",
								"url": "{{ listing.url }}"
						<script type="application/ld+json">
								"@context": "",
								"@type": "Accommodation",
								"numberOfBedrooms": "{{ listing.beds }}",
								"numberOfBathroomsTotal": "{{ listing.baths }}",
								"leaseLength": "{{ listing.leaseDescription }}",
								"accommodationCategory": "{{ listing.propertyTypeName }}"
						<script type="application/ld+json">
								"@context": "",
								"@type": "RentAction",
								"priceSpecification": {
									"@type": "UnitPriceSpecification",
									"price": "{{ | money }}",
									"priceCurrency": "USD",
									"name": "Monthly Rent",
									"referenceQuantity": {
										"@type": "QuantitativeValue",
										"value": "1",
										"unitCode": "MON"

						<div class="nesthub-widget">
							<div id="nesthub-property-detail-view" class="nhw-details">
								{% listing_plugin %}
								{% listing_page %}
								{% if leadSent %}
								<div class="nhw-alert nhw-alert-success" role="alert">
									Message has been sent!
								{% endif %}

								<section class="nhw-details__header">
									<div class="nhw-back-btn">
										<a id="back-btn" href="#" data-market="{% snippet name='areas' market='1' toUrl='true' %}"><i class="fa-regular fa-circle-chevron-left"></i> Back to search</a>
									<div class="nhw-details__property-contact">
										<header class="nhw-details__address" data-fancybox-trigger="map">
											<h1>{{ listing.address }}</h1>
											<h2>{{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}</h2>
										<div class="nhw-details__links">
											<div class="btn-list">
												{% if listing.applicationUrl %}
												<a href="{{ listing.applicationUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn">Apply<span> Online</span></a>
												{% endif %}
												{% if listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
												<a href="{{ listing.scheduleViewingUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--dark">Schedule Viewing</a>
												{% endif %}
												<a href="#contact" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--secondary smooth-scroll">Contact<span> Us</span></a>

								<section class="nhw-details__body">

								{% assign imageCount = images | size %}
								{% if imageCount > 0 %}
								<section class="nhw-details__gallery">

									<div class="image-container image-container--primary">
										{% for image in images limit: 1 %}
										<div class="image-preview">
											<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
												<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ images[0].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
										{% endfor %}

									{% if images.size > 1 %}
									<div class="image-container image-container--secondary">
										{% for image in images offset: 1 limit: 4 %}
										<div class="image-preview">
											<a id="nhw-listing-detail-primary-image-link" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ image.caption }}">
												<img class="lazyload" data-src="{{ image.imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" />
										{% endfor %}
									{% endif %}

									{% if images.size > 5 %}
									<div class="additional-images">
										{% assign imageCount = images.size | minus: 1 %}
										{% for i in (5..imageCount) %}
										<a data-fancybox="gallery" href="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" data-caption="{{ images[i].caption }}">
											<img data-src="{{ images[i].imageUrl }}?size=large" alt="property image" class="lazyload" />
										{% endfor %}
									{% endif %}

									{% if images.size > 5 %}
									<div class="nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery">
										<i class="fa-regular fa-square-plus"></i> Full Gallery
									{% endif %}

									{% if listing.virtualTour  %}
									<a class="nhw-listing-detail-view-video" data-fancybox="gallery" href="{% if listing.virtualTourType == 'youtube' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}{% elsif listing.virtualTourType == 'vimeo' %}{{ listing.virtualTourVideoID }}?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0'{% else %}{{ listing.virtualTour }}{% endif %}" data-type="iframe" data-height="80vh">
										<i class="fa-sharp fa-regular fa-video-plus"></i> Video Tour
									{% endif %}

								{% endif %}

								<section class="nhw-details__share">
									<div class="social-icons">
										<div class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 a2a_default_style">
											<a title="opens in new window" class="a2a_dd" href=""><i class="fa-regular fa-arrow-up-from-bracket"></i> Share</a>

								<section class="nhw-details__content">

									<div class="nhw-details__property-info">

										<h3 class="nhw-details__heading mt-0">Property Details</h3>
										<div class="key-details">
											<div class="key-detail price">
												<span class="value">{{ | money: 0 }}</span>
												<span class="label">Per Month</span>
											<div class="key-detail bedrooms">
												<span class="value">
												{% if listing.beds == 0 %}
												{% else %}
												{{ listing.beds }}
												{% endif %}
												<span class="label">Beds</span>
											<div class="key-detail bathrooms">
												<span class="value">{{ listing.baths | number: 1 }}</span>
												<span class="label">Baths</span>
											{% if listing.size %}
											<div class="key-detail sqft">
												<span class="value">
													{{ listing.size }}
												<span class="label">sqft</span>
											{% endif %}
											<div class="key-detail rent">
												<span class="value">•</span>
												<span class="label">For Rent</span>


										<div class="sub-details">
											<div class="sub-detail">
												<span class="sub-detail__label">Building Type:</span>
												<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.propertyTypeName | replace: ' Home', '' }}</span>
											{% if listing.deposit != blank %}
											<div class="sub-detail">
												<span class="sub-detail__label">Deposit:</span>
												<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.deposit | money: 0 }}</span>
											{% endif %}
											{% if listing.petDescription != blank or listing.acceptDogs != blank or listing.acceptCats != blank %}
												<div class="sub-detail">
													<span class="sub-detail__label">Pets:</span>
													<span class="sub-detail__value">
													{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 or listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
													{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
													{% endif %}
											{% endif %}
											<div class="sub-detail">
												<span class="sub-detail__label">Date Available:</span>
												<span class="sub-detail__value">
													{{ listing.dateAvailable | listing_availabilityDate }}
											{% if listing.applicationFee != blank %}
											<div class="sub-detail">
												<span class="sub-detail__label">App Fee:</span>
												<span class="sub-detail__value">{{ listing.applicationFee | money: 0 }}</span>
											{% endif %}
											{% if listing.acceptDogs == blank and listing.acceptCats == blank %}{% elsif listing.acceptDogs == 0 and listing.acceptCats == 0 %}
											{% else %}
												<div class="sub-detail">
													<span class="sub-detail__label">Pet Type:</span>
													<span class="sub-detail__value">
														{% capture petsAllowed %}
														{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.acceptDogs == 1 and listing.acceptCats == 1 %},{% endif %}
														{% if listing.acceptCats == 1 %}
														{% endif %}
														{% endcapture %}
														{{ petsAllowed | strip_newlines | replace: '	', '' | replace: ',', ', ' }}
											{% endif %}

										<div class="headline">
											{{ listing.headline }}
										<div class="description">
											{{ listing.description | newline_to_br | remove: ';amp;amp' }}

										<div class="nhw-details__property-details mt-4">
												{% if listing.lotSize %}
													<dt>Lot Size</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.lotSize }}</dd>
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.includedUtilityDescription %}
													<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.includedUtilityDescription.slice(0, -2) }}</dd>
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' or listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' or  listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' or listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' or listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' or listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' or listing.isCableIncluded == '1' or listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' or listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' or listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
													<dt>Included Utilities</dt>
													<ul class="commas">
														{% if listing.isGasIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isElectricIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isWaterIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isSewageIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isGarbageIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isLandscapingIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isCableIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isInternetIncluded == '1' %}
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isSnowRemovalIncluded == '1' %}
															<li>Snow Removal</li>
														{% endif %}
														{% if listing.isPoolServiceIncluded == '1' %}
															<li>Pool Service</li>
														{% endif %}
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.heatType %}
													<dt>Heat Type</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.heatType }}</dd>
												{% endif %}

												{% if listing.yearBuilt %}
													<dt>Year Built</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.yearBuilt }}</dd>
												{% endif %}

											{% if listing.petDescription or listing.acceptSmoking %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Restrictions</h3>
													{% if listing.petDescription %}
														<dt>Pet Details</dt>
														<dd>{{ listing.petDescription }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.acceptSmoking %}
															{% case listing.acceptSmoking %}
															{% when '0' %}
															Not Allowed
															{% when '1' %}
															{% endcase %}
													{% endif %}
											{% endif %}

											{% if listing.depositDescription or  listing.leaseDescription or listing.acceptAssistance %}
											<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Lease Details</h3>
												{% if listing.depositDescription %}
													<dt>Deposit Details</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.depositDescription }}</dd>
												{% endif %}
												{% if listing.leaseDescription %}
													<dt>Lease Description</dt>
													<dd>{{ listing.leaseDescription }}</dd>
												{% endif %}
												{% if listing.acceptAssistance %}
													<dt>Housing Assistance</dt>
															{% if listing.acceptAssistance == '1' %}
															{% elsif listing.acceptAssistance == '0' %}
															Not available
															{% endif %}
												{% endif %}
											{% endif %}

											{% if listing.areaInformation or listing.schools %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Area Information</h3>
													{% if listing.areaInformation %}
														<dt>Area Information</dt>
														<dd>{{ listing.areaInformation }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.schools %}
														<dd>{{ listing.schools }}</dd>
													{% endif %}

											{% endif %}

											{% comment %}
											{% capture schoolAddress %}{{ listing.address }}, {{ }}, {{ listing.stateID }} {{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}{% endcapture %}
											<iframe className="greatschools" src="//{{ listing.latitude }}&lon={{ listing.longitude }}&cityName={{ }}&state={{ listing.stateID }}&normalizedAddress={{ schoolAddress | urlencode }}&width=640&height=500&zoom=13" width="640" height="500" marginHeight="0" marginWidth="0" frameBorder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
											<script type="text/javascript">
												var _gsreq = new XMLHttpRequest();
												payload = {
													event: "Widget loaded",
													properties: {
														distinct_id: window.location.href,
														token: '6d6fd523-5b70-406d-bfb9-4a78438ab98d',
														user_agent: navigator.userAgent,
														parent_location: window.location
												fetch("", {
													method: "POST",
													headers: {
														"Content-Type": "application/json",
													body: JSON.stringify(payload),
											{% endcomment %}

											{% if listing.parkingTypeID or listing.parkingSpaces %}
												<h3 class="nhw-details__sub-heading">Parking</h3>
													{% if listing.parkingTypeID > 0 %}
														<dt>Parking Type</dt>
															{% case listing.parkingTypeID %}
															{% when '1' %}
															Attached Garage
															{% when '2' %}
															{% when '3' %}
															{% when '4' %}
															{% when '5' %}
															{% when '6' %}
															Detatched Garage
															{% endcase %}
													{% endif %}
													{% if listing.parkingSpaces %}
														<dt>Spaces Available</dt>
														<dd>{{ listing.parkingSpaces }}</dd>
													{% endif %}
											{% endif %}


										{% if listing.features.size > 0 %}
										<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Features and Amenities</h3>
										<div class="features">
											<ul class="dots">

													{% for feature in listing.features %}
													<li>{{ feature }}</li>
													{% endfor %}
										{% endif %}


									<div class="nhw-details__contact-info">

											<div id="contact" class="nhw-details__form-container">
												<div class="nhw-details__links d-none">
													<div class="btn-list">
														{% if listing.applicationUrl %}
														<a href="{{ listing.applicationUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--secondary">Apply Online</a>
														{% endif %}
														<a href="/tenants" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--primary">Rental Qualifications</a>
														{% if listing.scheduleViewingUrl %}
														<a href="{{ listing.scheduleViewingUrl }}" target="_blank" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn--accent">Schedule Viewing</a>
														{% endif %}
												<div class="nhw-form-header text-center">
													<h3>Questions? Contact Us!</h3>
													<ul class="list-unstyled">
														<li>phone: <a href="tel:{{ }}">{{ | listing_phone }}</a></li>
												<div class="nhw-details__form">
												<form id="nesthub-property-lead-form" class="nhw-form" method="POST">
													<div class="nhw-form-group">
														{% listing_leadName %}
													<div class="nhw-form-group">
														{% listing_leadEmail %}
													<div class="nhw-form-group">
														{% listing_leadPhone %}
													<div class="nhw-form-group nhw-form-group-textarea">
														{% listing_leadMessage %}
													{% listing_nonce %}
													{% listing_honeypot %}
													<button type="submit" class="nhw-btn nhw-btn-primary nhw-btn-block">Submit</button>

										<div class="nhw-details__location">
											<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Location</h3>
											{% capture mapAddress %}{{ listing.address }},+{{ }},+{{ listing.stateID }}+{{ listing.postalCode | split: '-' | first }}{% endcapture %}
											<div class="nhw-details__map-container">
												<div data-fancybox="map" data-src="{{ mapAddress | replace: ' ', '+' | replace: '#', '' | replace: '.', '' |  urlencode }}/@{{ listing.latitude }},{{ listing.longitude }},14z" id="nhw-listing-detail-map-container" data-latitude="{{ listing.latitude }}" data-longitude="{{ listing.longitude }}"></div>



								<section class="nhw-nearby-listings" data-current-prop="{{ listing.listingID }}" data-lat="{{ listing.latitude }}" data-lng="{{ listing.longitude }}">
									<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Nearby Homes</h3>
									<div class="nhw-nearby-listings__list">




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							// Floating Form Labels
							$('.nhw-form-control').on('change keydown paste input', function(){
								if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
								} else (

							// Leasing Specials
							function checkSpecials(propertyDescription) {
								let reEx = /([^<br>])*?LEASING SPECIAL[\s\S]*?(?=<br>)/i;
								let reExAlt = /([^<br>])*?SPECIAL:[\s\S]*?(?=<br>)/i;
								let specialText = propertyDescription.match(reEx) != null ? propertyDescription.match(reEx)[0].split('<br>')[0] : 'null';
								if (specialText == 'null') {
									specialText = propertyDescription.match(reExAlt) != null ? propertyDescription.match(reExAlt)[0].split('<br>')[0] : 'null';
								if (specialText.length > 0 && specialText != 'null') {
									$('.nhw-details__property-info .headline').prepend(`<div class="special-offer">${specialText}</div>`);
									let newText = $('.nhw-details__property-info .description').html().replace(specialText, "").replace('<br><br>','');
									$('.nhw-details__property-info .description').html(newText);

							checkSpecials($('.nhw-details__property-info .description').html())

							// Back btn
							function goBack(){
								let prevLocation = localStorage.getItem("url");
								let rentalsMarket = $('#back-btn').data('market');
								if (prevLocation !== null ) {
									if (prevLocation.length > 0 ) {
										window.location = prevLocation;
									} else {
										window.location = `${window.location.origin}/${rentalsMarket}-homes-for-rent`;
								} else {
									window.location = `${window.location.origin}/${rentalsMarket}-homes-for-rent`;

								return false;

							$(document).ready(function () {

								// Contact Button Affix
									offset: {
										top: ($('.nhw-details__property-contact').offset().top + $('.nhw-details__property-contact').outerHeight()) - 50

								// Listing Details Map
								mapboxgl.accessToken =

								const container = $("#nhw-listing-detail-map-container");

								const lat ="latitude") || 0.0;
								const lng ="longitude") || 0.0;
								const zoom ="zoom") || 8;

								const map = new mapboxgl.Map({
									container: "nhw-listing-detail-map-container",
									style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v12", // style URL
									center: [lng, lat], // starting position [lng, lat]
									zoom: zoom, // starting zoom

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								Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="gallery"]', {});

								Fancybox.bind('[data-fancybox="map"]', {});

								$(".nhw-listing-detail-view-gallery").on("click", function () {


						<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>


Nearby Homes Widget Last Updated 2/6/2024

nearby homes example


Add the following code to the bottom of the Nesthub Listing Widget View Template

						<section class="nhw-nearby-listings lazyload" data-current-prop="{{ listing.listingID }}" data-lat="{{ listing.latitude }}" data-lng="{{ listing.longitude }}" data-script="" data-style="">
							<h3 class="nhw-details__heading">Nearby Homes</h3>
							<div class="nhw-nearby-listings__list"></div>