Cancellations CallRail HOTH Blogs Live Chat

  1. Log-in to
  2. Click on Manage at the bottom of the screen
  3. Click on Profiles, then use the Search Bar to Search by Company Name, then Click Delete on the Actions column for that company
  4. Click on Users, then search by email domain for any users part of that company you recently deleted, and click the Red Button X in the Actions column for that user


  1. Log-in to
  2. Click on All Companies, then Search for the Company Name
  3. Click on the Settings Icon on the Left, then the Pencil Icon on the right.
  4. Click on the Disable Number button on the top Right

HOTH Blogs/Content Writing

  1. Log-in to
  2. click on My Orders -> All Orders, then the Subscriptions Tab, then Click the X next to the Client you want to Cancel. (You can also use the Search Bar to filter)

Live Chat

  1. Log-in to
  2. Click on Solution -> Licenses
  3. Click on Filter
  4. Search the clients company name in the search box and click Apply
  5. Click on the Licence Number
  6. Scroll down and Click Edit Subscription
  7. Click Close Subscription and Insert our Password and Submit