Analytics & Search Console Set Up

In ClickUp - you will be assigned “Tracking” for each new site that goes live. You will receive an email notification and will also be able to find this information in your ClickUp Account. Once you are in ClickUp, you can find the tracking information in 2 places.

  • The first spot you will find these notifications is under your notifications tab on the left side of the page
  • The second spot is under the website tab on the left side of the page

Once you receive the Website Account Name, search for it within NestHub under sites and find website URL

Go to the website and keep that tab open.


Go to analytics (

For any website with additional services, such as chat, AMP, & Google Ads, etc., please log in under

For any website with website hosting services ONLY - log in under

For PMI Websites - log in under

Double check to see if they have an Analytics code already on their site & make sure it links to the correct account. If they do not have an Analytics code on their site, create a new one within Analytics. If they already do have an analytics code on their site, search for the UA code within Analytics. If you cannot find this code, create another account with the PM Name + INTERNAL.

Once you are logged into Analytics, click on the gear icon on the bottom left side of the page. You will then click on + Create Account

You will fill out Account Name, Website Name, Website URL (select http:// or https:// be sure to check the site that you have opened in another tab), Industry Category (always Real Estate), and Reporting Time Zone.

At the bottom of this page, click Get Tracking ID

Create Account
Account Name
Advanced Options

You will then be prompted by the Terms of Service. Click two "I Accept" box’s, and then click I accept.

You will then be brought to the Global Site Tag

Copy this entire tag

Open the code for the website and enter this code into the resources snippet all the way at the bottom of the page. If they do not have a resources snippet, please put the code in all templates (in the head)

Click Save

Go back into Analytics, and click on Property Settings

Scroll down to Enable Demographics and Interests Reports

Click "ON" to enable

Click save

Next, you will click "Adjust Search Console"

Click “Add"

Once you click "Add", the Search Console tab will open.

You will be asked to associate this property - instead we will be adding a new property

Click the drop down & all the way at the bottom you will click - - "Add a Property

*Always double check to see if the URL is already in Search Console - so search for the URL here first**

Select A Property Type box will then open. You will enter the URL in the Domain Box.

Be sure to take away any https://www. And the / at the end of the URL

You will then be able to verify the domain ownership via DNS Record

Copy the TXT record and enter it into the DNS records in NestHub

You will then go back into NestHub, under DNS & Add the new domain record

Enter in the Record Type, Value (from search console) & click SAVE

Back in Search Console - Please click VERIFY

Verifying the ownership can sometimes take time & you may have to wait a few minutes and click verify again

Once verified an “Ownership Verified” box will appear.

Click go to property. From here, you will go to the search property box - click the drop down & + Add Property

You will add the Https://www. & Https:// (without WWW) versions under the

After you add both versions, click “Go to Property

On the left side of the page, you will see sitemaps, click sitemaps and add a new sitemap & submit.

Note: be sure you are in the https://www. account when adding the sitemap

Back in Analytics, click the ADD button again. This will bring you to the search console page where you can select the correct property.

Select the https://www. URL

Next, you will need to associate the property with Google Analytics - this should already be selected correctly, but always double check!

Confirm Association:

Go Back in Analytics, refresh the page & make sure the correct URL is linked. Click SAVE

Next, you will set up Demographics reporting

Click on Audience – Demographics – Overview

Click Enable

(This may already be enabled)

You will now add your Goals within Analytics

Go back to the Admin tab – then click on Goals under the third column

Click +New Goal

Inside of the new goal, click Custom – Continue

The name of Goal Id 1 = Form Submission

Type = Destination


Destination = Regular Expression - /success


You will then create a second goal

Click +New Goal

Inside of the new goal, click Custom – Continue

Name Goal Id 2 = Phone Call

Type = Event

Click continue

Goal Details

Category = equals to = Phone

Click Save

You will then create your third and final goal (unless they have amp)

Click +New Goal

Inside of the new goal, click Custom – Continue

Name Goal Id 3 = First Time Caller

Type = Event

Click continue

Goal Details

Category = equals to = Phone

Label = Regular Expression = .*Call-01 (dont forget the . before the *)


You will then create your third and final goal (unless they have amp)

Click +New Goal

Inside of the new goal, click Custom – Continue

Name Goal Id 4 = Advanced Marketing Lead

Type = Destination

Click continue

Goal Details

Destination = Regular Expression - /amp-success

Value = ON 100 USD


Once you press save – your page will look like this: (you might have another one for amp too!)

Next, you will add their Dashboard Reporting w/ email

On the left side of your Analytics page, click on Customization – Dashboard – Create

Click Import from Gallery

In the search box type in

And click on the "Monthly Website Reporting" - Import

(if they have live chat, select the reporting with livechat. If they have previous or other goals set up, please let me know so I can create them a new report with the right goals)

Click Create

Click Share – Share Object


Inside of the email pop-up

Enter in the clients Email Address – you can find this back in NestHub

Change the Frequency to Monthly – Day of the month 1st

Copy and paste the saved email below inside of the box


Please see the attached PDF document for your monthly website reporting. If you have any questions, please contact our support team at

Thank you,

Click I am not a robot

Click save

Next, you will grant the client access to their Analytics account

Go back to the admin tab (on the bottom left hand side of the page)

Click on User Management

Click the +button – add new user

Paste their email address

(if they do not have a gmail email address - it will tell you the email will not work. Email the client for a different email address if they want access to Analytics)

Select notify new user by email

Select READ & ANALYZE only

Click Add at the Top right of the page