AMP (Advanced Marketing Platform)

Instructions for Swapping Old AMP to New AMP

  • Step 1: Create Tracking # Profile in Nesthub
    • Grab Tracking Number & notification email from existing FRS Profile (or from Monday if setting up a new profile)
    • Go into CallRail to update the Post Call Webhook link in Integrations
  • Step 2: Create RA Profile
    • Make sure Tracking Number & RA profile slugs are the same (better for organization)
    • Make sure URL & Logo URL are 100% correct or the Rent Range report will not generate
    • If the company has a number in their name, please spell out the number for the slug
    • If the company has their market-1 city in their name, please abbreviate or it will get replaced and won't work on secondary landing pages
    • Grab notification email from existing FRS Profile (or from Monday if setting up a new profile)
    • Postcards
      • If creating a new postcard, can use postcard generator
      • Copy postcard front HTML & postcard back HTML from FRS & paste into Nesthub
        • FRS —> Settings —> Postcard Templates —> Search company name —> Click Edit —> Copy code from FRS & paste into Nesthub
      • Save the postcard images from FRS by copying the background-image URL from the postcard code and pasting into browser --> Save image —> Upload to /images folder of nesthub site
      • Within the postcard code in Nesthub, update the background-image URL for the postcard image front & back to the new URL location
      • Test postcard image using the preview to make sure all works correctly once you have saved the RA Profile
    • Check for "Notification Email Message" code in existing AMP profile in FRS & copy over to Nesthub, if applicable
  • Step 3: Add Google maps script to both amp/services template & services step 2 template right above closing body tag (if using Theresa’s services-step-2 code, the google map is already there)
  • Step 4: Update AMP Phone number code & update the slug in snippets as needed
    • May need to update the snippet to reflect the proper code depending on site
      • Ex. (snippet name='contact' type='phone' amp='true') changed to (snippet name=“amp-phone”)
  • Step 5: Add new AMP services step 1 form code to amp-pm/services template & update slug
    • Make sure to update data-success-url to have full live URL & goes to /services-step-2
    • Please also check if they have AMP in the body of the page or on any other pages and update the code there as well (reminder: if they have amp on other pages, you will need to add the google maps script to that page template or it won’t work)
  • Step 6: Add code to /services-step-2 page using new design & update slug (slug needs update in 2 locations)
    • Make sure to update data-success-url to have full live URL & goes to /amp-success
      • Create /amp-success page if needed by copying just their regular /success page
    • Make sure “contact us” button at the bottom of the page has correct snippet format to link properly to services page
  • Step 7: Add CSS for both Step 1 & Step 2 to styles.css
  • Step 8: Test the AMP using your company email
    • Make sure everything shows up as expected
    • Make sure it is responsive
    • Make sure phone number updates correctly & is clickable
    • Make sure a report is generated properly in RA Requests in Nesthub and does not say “Failed”
      • If report generates or fails, you should receive an email stating one or the other happened. If you receive no email, it is most likely that your setup is incorrect.

Rental Analysis

Configure Profile

In order to configure an Rental Analysis Profile log into the site admin portal (/admin) and under the marketing tab select "RA Profiles"

From here you need to configure all the settings for the profile. Including the Front and Back postcard HTML.

Profile Name
The readable reference name
The name the JS widgets will use to reference this profile.
Company Name
The name the customer wants to appear in Emails and on Postcards and Reports.
The web address to use on marketing material.
Notification Email
List of email addresses (delimited by ;) to send notifications of new leads
Tracking Number Profile
The tracking number profile to associate the analysis profile if the material should use the tracking number.
**Make sure tracking number contains NO special characters, numbers only, or it won't work as expected
Address, Addresss2, City, State, Postal Code
Customer Address to put on marketing materials
Send Postcard
Indicator if postcard marketing is active or not
Is Requestor Lead Email Suppressed
Suppress the email from getting sent to the requestor automatically.
Postcard Front HTML
The HTML that will produce the front of the postcard. ( PLEASE ENSURE Logo and Background image URLs are correct in the HTML).
Postcard Back HTML
The HTML that will produce the back of the postcard. ( PLEASE ENSURE Logo and Background image URLs are correct in the HTML).
Notification Email
Override for the notification email contents that gets sent to the lead when report is generated and sent to the requestor. If blank the default message is used.

NOTE: A marketing flyer can be uploaded to the profile after creation. The uploaded file is attached to the same email that sends the Rental Analysis Report to the requestor.


The widget comes in two varieties: a stepped style and a single form style. As with all Ion (Nesthub) widgets data- tags are used to parameterize the widget. NOTE: A google maps script is required on every page running the AMP widget. Can be found in Code below.

The widget type to be embedded. For amp the value should always be amp. (ie data-ion="amp")
The slug of the RA profile to use for the lead
The widget mode. Possible values are:
  • requests - Request Hanlder ( Default if no value )
  • calls - Phone Tracking number mode
The style of the amp widget to be embedded. Possible values are:
  • stepped - Stepped Style ( default if no value )
  • one - Single Step Style
Only used on stepped style. Indicates the step to be embedded. Values are 1 or 2.
Placeholder override text to put in the step 1 and single step Property Address Box
The URL to route to after a successful submission of the form. Used on step 1 to get to step 2 and step 2 to success page. Also single step to success page. If not provided on a final step the embedded widget returns a success message.
For step 2 indicate a URL to redirect to if a lead is not already in process. (ie found in a cookie or querystring).
If value is "no" Then the wiget will use querystring instead of cookies for lead tracking. Note: In stepped both step 1 and 2 need to be in the same mode.
The delimiter for the phone number in phone mode. (Default is "-")
enabling clickable phone number
Required Google Maps Code (Put at the end of the page)
				<script defer src=""></script>
Step One Example
				<div data-ion="amp" data-name="slug-name" data-step="1" data-success-url="/services-step-2" data-placeholder="Enter your property address here*"></div>
Step Two Example
				<div data-ion="amp" data-name="slug-name" data-step="2" data-success-url="/amp-success" ></div>
Single Step Example
				<div data-ion="amp" data-name="slug-name" data-style="one" data-success-url="/amp-success" ></div>
Sort Address Replace HTML for Step 2
				<div class="ion-amp-lead-address"></div>
Full Address Replace HTML For Step 2
					<div class="ion-amp-lead-address-full"></div>
Phone Tracking Number Embed
					<div data-ion="amp" data-mode="calls" data-link="1" data-delimiter="." data-name="slug-name">111-111-1111</div>
Phone Tracking Number Replace
					<div class="ion-amp-phone-number">111.222.3333</div>

Email Embeddable Fields

If you are cusomizing the RA Request email to the requetor the following fields are available to be embedded. You do this by puting in the following code: {{NameOfField}}

Name of the requestor
Property Address line 1
Company Name on the RA Profile
The tracking phone number if the RA profile has as associated tacking number.
Company address on the RA profile line 1 (Address1 Address2)
Company addresss on RA Profile line 2 (City, State Zip)

Postcard Embeddable Fields

These fields can be embedded in a Postcard Back or Front. You do this by puting in the following code: {{NameOfField}}

address, address2, city, stateCode, postalCode
Property Address Information
Tracking Phone Number if a tracking number is associated to the RA profile
Company Name on the profile.
URL on the profile
Logo URL on the Profile

Phone Tracking Analysis

Configure Profile

In order to configure a Phone Tracking Profile log into the site admin portal (/admin) and under the markting tab select "Tracking # Profiles"

From here you need to configure all the settings for the profile.

Profile Name
The readable reference name
The name the JS widgets will use to reference this profile.
Tracking Number
Should be on the digits of the tracking number from Call Rail. No formatting is needed. (ie 123-123-1234 => 1231231234)
Notification Email
List of email addresses (delimited by ;) to send notifications of new phone calls

NOTE: In order for Nesthub to track phone calls the Call Rail Webhook URL must be the post-call webhook configured in Call Rail.


Always "phone"
The Tracking Number Profile slug.
The phone number part delimiter. (Default is "-")
Show the phone number as a tel link
Phone Tracking Number Embed
					<div data-ion="phone" data-link="1" data-name="slug-name">111-111-1111</div>
Phone Tracking Number Replace
					<div class="ion-amp-phone-number">111.222.3333</div>